Gott in Himmel!
And I thought the Australian ratings were obstructive.
The Reasoning behind them is what pisses me off most. "We found parents don't pay attention to the rating. We conclude that the symbols were too small, so we made them bigger. Now parents will care. Also: We did something, look! Look! We saved the children!"Hahaha, welcome to USK ratingsI just wish they would vanish altogether.
Toonami hype impulse buys. Gundam Wing collection 1 and Endless Duel for Super Famicom.
Ended up buying the DK Jr that the guy who sold me the DK had. It is a DK conversion, but is awesome shape.]
Picking up a Popeye tomorrow morning. Last Nintendo cabs I need are Mario Bros, a play Choice 10, and a Vs Super Mario Bros.[/QUOTE]
daaaamn getting some quality cabinets
Sorry I dont follow, what do you mean?
..We FINALLY moved into our new house!
Yeah, it's been a VERY long wait since it's a new build. We bought everything...All Samsung appliances...
Including steam washer and dryer (not pictured).
Funature all from Urban Barn (main floor and bedroom)...
that portable snes is pretty hot anyway got sandwiches and nes games what could be better
Air Fortress, Hydlide[IMG]
Burger Time, Phantom Fighter
Gauntlet 2, Kid Niki
Metal Mech[IMG]
and some ps1 games
Resident Evil 3, Crash Bandicoot: Warped
I'm so jealous that you're able to get NES games with the manuals. Everywhere I go only ever has the carts =/
MegaHouse POP Luffy and Sanji, New World Ver. Probably gonna sell them later on when they stop making it.
Trying them on. Check me out.Just need to cut down some more body fat by summer ish for more shape to reveal itself.
I'm so jealous that you're able to get NES games with the manuals. Everywhere I go only ever has the carts =/
Wow. That portable SNES is only 80 bucks? Would love to hear impressions on it. (Everyone just google Supaboy) I see the battery life is only 2 and a half hours, but aside from that I'd love to hear about it's quality/build/etc.
Does the portable snes clone play SFC games without any tab filing mods too?
Any ghosting, etc with the screen?
I've wanted this game for a while but used copies were pretty expensive in Europe. Now the German company aktronic added it to their bargain bin games for 20 Euros. ^_^ Still not a fan of the USK logo but old UK copies are so expensive. @.@"
That game is really bad, as tales games go, just as a forwarning.
That Portable SNES really dropped my jaw. More info please.
That Portable SNES really dropped my jaw. More info please.
Candy for myself and a friend:
Are you in Japan? Want to send some Meiji Black my way? =D
Picked up new spreader after watching it on cool tools on HGTV and Unit 13 and MLB for the Vita
At the age of 10 I dreamed of having something like this. I would even hold snes cartridges up to a wired controller to picture what it would look like.
SuperÑ;36754943 said:Snagged RB3 for 19€ and Halo Reach themed t-shirt for 5€
19€ for the keyboard bundle? So jealous...the keyboard will be mine someday!
Gauntlet 2, Kid Niki
Things from PAX.
Album signed by Craig Adams. PAX Badge signed by Suda 51
Actually you can, they sell it right here:Love the shirt. I guess you can't get that anywhere else?
Nice bugeye. Did you do an STi engine/tranny swap or just put the fog covers and badge on? Very clean.