The games in this first pic are from a NewEgg sale at the end of March but they arrived in early April:

I got all 5 games for ~$22 shipped thanks to a $15 gift card I got when ordering my PC parts earlier this year.
Now for the stuff I've bought in April thus far:

I got all the current-gen stuff half off @ Gamestop and nabbed the Devil Summoner 2 reprint from Amazon.

I found all of these at Goodwill - all 3 were new and sealed!

I found these at various used media stores over the weekend.
I've been looking for all of these for a while and I was extremely happy to find them in the condition I did (CIB DS games, black label Maximo, etc.).
Plus I now own EVERY first-party game for Nintendo DS.

I got the 3DSXL Circle Pad Pro from eBay and the other stuff from resale shops over the weekend.

I tracked down a bunch of movies/TV series I've been wanting for great prices over the weekend.
The Masters of Horror Blu-Rays were only $2 each at Fry's!

I finally tracked down a TMNT set!
It's apparently already out-of-print, every online store is sold out, and eBay prices have been skyrocketing so I was getting worried I wouldn't be able to find one.
Luckily, a local FYE store had one left.

It's actually my Birthday present to myself - I'll be 30 on 4/15, woo.