Hello again, old friend.
Hello again, old friend.
New iPad mini retina 128 GB Wifi.
with the first death note rule "The human whose name is written in this note shall die" etched.
I enjoy good gaming photography a lot <3
Kinda OT, but what kind of camera and lens did you use to get this macro and bokeh?
Nice congrats in the house that would be my next big purchase. I just had to get one of this now since Mitsubishi won't be making them anymoreCongrats. This is a future dream for me; such a beautiful car. Bought a house myself, so no cars for some time.
Your old build is absolutely insane. Incredible. Beautiful. Powerful. I can't believe that struggles with 4K - three Titans and that CPU, I would have imagined would have been more than enough. Killer setup, man. I thought my rig was off-the-hook; and it doesn't hold a candle to yours - mine looks like a hodgepodge of random crap in comparison, lol.
... Anyhoo, thanks for sharing. That whole post is one of my favorites I've seen in these threads so far.
Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky (PS3)
Inazuma Eleven 3: Team Ogre Attacks! (3DS)
Infamous: Second Son (PS4)
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis (PS2)
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)
MacBook Pro 15"
It's a static screen. I Google'd for "code wallpaper" and displayed one of the results in full screen mode.I dig that screensaver, may I ask where it came from?
That is a great looking setup too! I always have a soft spot for red, white and black.
The 2014 rig, (dubbed "The Furnace") is nearing completion. Here is how it looks. I may have to soften up the glaring orange LED light/or change it to plain white LED light because it is overwhelming that Titanfall panel design behind the reservoir, but other than that, it is almost finished. Can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
With that custom Titanfall design panel behind the reservoir.
The custom Titanfall design back panel. A really tight fit with all the cable management it's hiding.
With all lightings, er......lighted.Softer glow from the power supply cover compared to the orange glare from the bare LED strip. Trying to soften that harsh light later with nylon or wax paper.
With ambient lights off. This build is a collaborative effort, with the expertise culled from the fantastic system builders at Asia PC Extreme Syndicate (APES). Hence the watermark.
A little video of the nearly completed build.
Once everything is set and done, "The Furnace" will get its studio photoshoot treatment at our little studio setup we have at the build lab. With these two in tow to complete the "theme" of the build:
I guess it's obvious, I love Titanfall that much.![]()
Thanks for the compliments! ... Your new Furnace rig looks great; I actually like the orange light quite a bit. It's different.
If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living? Looks like you might work in the component industry or something.
IF you open the Sonic figure DO NOT remove the plastic from under each Sonic. It will end up being a sad sight. I would take a pic and show you but I am lazy...![]()
-I got all of these 60% off @ Toys R Us.
I fly planes for a living. It does looked like I work in the PC business with all these stuff, that's coz I hang out and am very close with the system builder I plan my rig with. Great bunch of guys. Since they build systems for a living, I'm grateful I got the chance for insider infos and first dibs on PC components through them. Was eyeing the Sapphire R9-295X2 just now, thinking if I should do a SFF (Small Form Factor Build).
Dark Souls II Steam.
Some cool new japanese releases!
Oh man, I would so double dip for a physical NES Remix 1+2...
Posted this in the "I need a new PC" thread yesterday; I have been waiting for this moment since 2006 at least.
Can't wait to get off work in 1.5 hours and go home to build it.
Taking advantage of the 'sale price' (pffft) on THE iDOLM@STER iOS games, probably the most expensive apps I've ever purchased:
This was nightmarish, as the games are only available to the US store (I'm UK-based). So I had to set up a new Apple ID, gather some US points cards, watch each download go as slow as treacle as they frequently crapped out (large downloads) over several hours.. but got there in the end.
its 38 bucks. Is this fucking worth it cause im tempted
Bought my first smartphone, the S5. Loving it so far. Really love the expandable storage, which was a huge selling-point for me. Was worried I wouldn't like Android because i've mostly used iOS on iPad and iPod iTouch, but it's really really nice once you get down to customizing it.