These games just arrived today, I'm from Peru so they take a while since a friend of mine has to bring the stuff I buy from Amazon, eBay, BestBuy, etc from the US.
I couldn't pass up that amazing BestBuy sale (I wanted to get Other M too but they didn't have shipping options for that so yeah... bummer), the extra copy of AC: Revelations is a gift for a friend who loves the series so I guess it's gonna be a nice surprise, Infamous 2 is a game I have played already but wanted to have in my library nonetheless and I've been wanting to try Bayonetta for a while now.
I have always loved Sonic but I haven't been able to play the latest games so I'm gonna start with Unleashed then Generations and if I'm able to I'll go for Colors on the Wii.
Ace Attorney is a series I love so much, I bought Justice for All for my collection and now I only need T&T and Apollo Justice for it to be complete

Non gaming related: A pair of new Fire Drill Arnette sunglasses I found on eBay for real cheap so I said why not since summer is not far away (at least here heh)
*Sorry for the crappy quality phone pictures