I have Dragons Crown PS3 preordered (for months) got the artbooks in advance and multi-copies of GI from a GS friend.
Need more pictures pls.
Cuteness overload!![]()
Haven't posted in a while, so playing catchup. Stuff from July:
thank you hexadrive!
Stuff from June:
Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi, a bullet hell shoot 'em up made by Cave.What is that game on the right?
Celebrated my birthday a few days ago. Not a bad haul.
Pro-Ject Debut Carbon turntable w/ 2M Red Ortofon cartridge & Acryl-It platter - My parents gifted me a new money pit in the form of vinyl. Wonderful sounding turntable and now I can finally play all the LP's I've been accumulating for the last couple of years.
XRGB-mini Framemeister Upscanner - B'day present to myself as I've wanted one for a while and used that as a flimsy excuse to justify the purchase. Makes all my old consoles not look like ass on my Bravia. RGB cables incoming for even sexier results.
New Super Luigi U Wii U - Got this and Pikmin from a couple of mates, well chuffed.
Pikmin 3 Wii U - No garden shot but I did add some parsley because I am an artistic photographer master.
Caladrius 360 - SHOOT THE CORE.
Undercover Cops SFC - Another Grail GET. $500+ on eBay? Bollocks to that, got this for $150 boxed and mint direct from Japan. And then my younger brother slid me the cash so it was FREEEEEE.
Evangelion Kubricks - You Can (Not) Collect Them All.
Would love to know your thoughts!
Looks like a nice board, hadn't heard of it. I'm loving mine so far, it's great for cruising because it's so low to the ground and I love the locked in feel the concave/foot pockets gave me for the little downhill I've tried. Only downside so far is that my complete setup is quite on the heavy side. Fortunately it spends most time on the ground under my feet, but the times I have to carry it it can become a bit annoying sometimes./brofist. I have a 9two5. Absolutely love Landyachtz boards.
New car, Peugeot 207 1.6 VTi Sport
Picked up the SSD yesterday and spent most of last night weeding out large files (damn you, Steam library) and generally tidying up my boot drive for cloning across. Samsung's data migration software was a bit fussy, but I got there in the end. My jaw dropped when I saw how fast Win7 now boots up. Why on earth didn't I get an SSD for my desktop sooner?
A few new shirts were necessary here in Germany, having constantly 35°C and more.
Comic Book Time! I have just finished Batman: Court of owls, was pretty awesome. Hawkeye is great as ever! Looking forward to The Wake #1 & #2, Waids Daredevil TPB1 and Saga TPB1.
And finally I have gotten myself a new used iPhone 4. It's my first Apple device. Liking it a lot.
That's Salford precinct, right?
It was supposedly $5,000, but got it down to $3,500 after haggling and the onslaught of deals Dell offers.Holy shit, how much did that thing run you? Like 3000$?
Indeed it is. Back down that way next week for the Rio Ferdinand Testimonial.
Apologies for scruffy nails, they are my mates. Dirty git.
Also some Air Max 1's.
"I object to the fact that the 3DS is region-locked and this game does not have an English translation:"
"Do you know what I don't object to? This lovely 3DS pouch:"
In other pick-up news, I got a guide/artbook for Gravity Rush/Daze (wish it had more pages of illustrations, they're great):
More VC games for my EarthBound machine:
Railgun manga - volumes 1-7
Technika Tune and Muramasa Rebirth CE; I had to import these, luckily no custom charges D:
When did a physical copy of DJ Max come out in the the US. I thought we only got digital only? WAT!?!?!?
I need this, do you know how much it costs to import it to the US? If the LE is still available that is...
When did a physical copy of DJ Max come out in the the US. I thought we only got digital only? WAT!?!?!?
Came out back in November or December, when the digital version came out. There were a bunch of delays, it was only sold at the manufacturer's site (though they sold it on Amazon as a 3rd party seller, as well), and it was $50, so like... very few people bought it.
Looks sick! I just got a Landyatchz Switchblade 36 last December and it's the best board I have ever ridden.A new longboard deck. Landyachtz 2013 Switchblade 40.
With everything assembled. Still have Globe trucks/wheels/bearings from my old longboard, but I'm planning on upgrading those the coming weeks.
i want that 3DS pouch
for what version ? OG or XL ?