Drama Zed Nod
Congrats, I've been thinking of selling my 4770K and getting the 4790K. Is there a reason why you didn't get that processor?
The 4790k wasn't out when i got the 4770k
I have my 4770k happily OCd at 4.4 and it never goes over 45 degrees (i use the H100i cooler) so i could probably OC a bit further. Although no where near as much as the 4790k.
I would say if you building a new rig now then sure go for the 4790k but i'm not sure it would be worth it just now stepping up from a 4770k?
I'm gaming at 1440p and i'm not seeing the need. The CPU isn't really bottlenecking me.Is there some specific need for the CPU gain? Rendering maybe / Video Editing?
If it's just for the sheer enthusiast joy and you want to get it to 5GHz and beyond, you defo should if you can afford it. I'm terrible at trying to talk people out of buying stuff