A friendly reminder is New Game Plus is mandatory, don't skip it. Could you send me a pm after you're done by then? I can hook you up with some excellent titbits / reviews for the game. Also, you will likely pay $40 more for the OST![]()
Wow, mine just left the warehouse. I'm quite jealous but I still haven't build the Nu ver.Ka yet, I need to get started on it.
How big is that box by the way ?
I don't have it in front of me but I think it's about 2'ft wide and a 1 1/2'ft tall. It's a big box!
Astonished by the picture quality. Loved my old set as well, but it had started to fade in black levels. This one is pretty much perfect in every way I can think off. Best TV I've ever seen so far, so I couldn't be happier.![]()
How much does these Studio Ghibli goodies cost and do they contain Eng subs?
I didn't know this existed yet and now I just spent $80 to import it. What have you done!
D= So much want! Don't have a bluray player though so would be pointless sigh.Mononoke pics
Heh, I should tell my brother about this. I got the Nu ver.Ka last year and he nabbed the Sinanju ver.Ka, but later said he should've gotten a Sazabi so we could have the pair mock fight XDCrossposting from Gundam-gaf:
Can't wait to get started on this one.
Some December pick-ups as well as some November pick-ups. I might have forgotten some stuff, but these are the major ones.
First of all. These two have entered my home and are doing their best to wreak havoc in my apartment (and succeeding). There have been many times over the past 3 weeks where I severely regretted picking them up. And I'm sure there will be many more times to come. But they're also too cute to get rid off and they love chilling on my lap as I browse GAF.
Pretty pumped to pick this up this morning
PlayStation Vita Tearaway Bundle with LittleBigPlanet & 16GB Memory Card
The Legend of Zelda Wind Waker Collectors Edition: Prima's Official Game Guide
Doing my usual Saturday morning rounds this morning. I bought stuff at all 3 spots I shopped at and had to stop a lot earlier than normal. Some of the stuff picture is from last weeks haul too.
I don't usually go for big box PC games, but sometimes I make an exception. The Collectors edition there is #5,301 of 62,000. That's a great price for it, but it's incomplete. It's missing the manual and the extra disc. Still everything else is in great shape. I've never played Baldurs Gate 2, but it looks great.
Got both of these for 8$ total, not a bad deal.
Mario Party 3 I got last week and it was only 7$, which is WAY below the normal Ebay price. The 2 Gamecube games were cheaper than most games because they lacked their manuals. Contra was only $10 and I almost passed it up. I'm glad I asked about it as I love Contra and it's nice to finally have it on Cartridge at a good price.
Some December pick-ups as well as some November pick-ups. I might have forgotten some stuff, but these are the major ones.
First of all. These two have entered my home and are doing their best to wreak havoc in my apartment (and succeeding). There have been many times over the past 3 weeks where I severely regretted picking them up. And I'm sure there will be many more times to come. But they're also too cute to get rid off and they love chilling on my lap as I browse GAF.
Fanservice, at it's best.http://i.imgur.com/fdtnLMOl.jpg
Found this in target for $15 - dont know shit about it but it looks interesting
holy fuck lol your sister bought you a fucking gun from call of duty and gave it to you in a box as if it were a board game
you crazy americans man
It's an airsoft gun. They shoot little plastic balls. Not really dangerous unless you don't wear eye protection.
Massive bump here but kudos for the model 1 JP Saturn. That thing is an absolute beauty!
Or you walk around with it outside and happen to walk into a situation where someone is paranoid or confused and accidentally shoots you because it doesn't have the orange tip that says "I AM A TOY" ... well done.
that's why i keep it at home and not take it outside, dur. only morons would do that.
even if you owned a license to carry a concealed weapon, you're not allowed to flash it. it's still illegal.
Finally. I was having issues with the eShop/card, but it's now mine:
A bunch of stuff from BF and regular impulse purchases
60" TV, gadgets, storage and all sorta games and movies
and an awesome early Xmas gift from my sis and her husband. Straight from HK so no stupid orange tip.
^ What store are socks from?
No problem, glad you located one for yourself
Yes, standalone - it's not part of the CE. Price is around £18 GBP/$30 USD (not including shipping).
Early december pickups:
Wii U 32 Gb Premium Pack. The stupid device doesn't find my router, not even if it's standing just a few cm away from it. The same router that my Wii and 3DS never had any problem with. I tried everything, including all the scenarios in the OT here on GAF. And I really don't feel like buying a Wii LAN adapter just to get this thing hooked up. It's pretty disappointing.
Picked this up during today's sale: