And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Oh, haha! How embarrassing.That's my desktop wallpaper, Yoshi.
Oh, haha! How embarrassing.That's my desktop wallpaper, Yoshi.
Long johns...
A new sweatshirt that one of my best friends got me for Christmas:
Same here. I just found out about it this past Monday.Under Defeat HD is out!? Where have I been! No 360 NTSC-U version sucks though.
Treated myself using money I got for Christmas
The guy in the store asked me 'Does it play DVD's yet' with a slight snigger.
"I dunno" I replied "My DVD player does that, this plays GAMES!"
In his face!
I got 2 free games, but since I have no interest in the AC series I'll give this one away to some lucky poster/lurker who has the system to run it, as a late christmas gift. Enjoy.
Awesome rig btw.
First ever glasses can actually read text in games now:
Officially Licensed Noble Collection 'Orcrist' replica (Thorin's sword from The Hobbit). It's not quite as nice as the $300+ United Cutlery replica, but it'll do
I actually forgot to take a photo of the entire sword, oh well, you get the idea. I've always wanted a sword to hang in my studio, and being a huge Tolkien dork it had to be LotR/Hobbit related. This is basically my college graduation present to myself, and who can call themselves a fantasy nerd and not have a sword hanging on a wall somewhere? No one.
Awesome rig btw.
there; Ray Ban RX5269 2000 Black.I really like those frames. Model?
Could've fooled me!"this plays GAMES!"
Holy shit I need that HP book. I just searched for it on Amazon.
Got a couple of screen prints recently:
This one was for The Faint show in Washing, D.C. a few weeks ago. My pal, and Gaf member, dreweyes did a print for the show, and we were able to get a few signed by the band. Here's mine:
Second one is "Tetsuo Wins" by Godmachine. It was part of an "Alternate Endings" gallery show at the Bottleneck. Pretty sweet.
there; Ray Ban RX5269 2000 Black.
Finally in my house
Here is a video of more like an unboxing for Kratos Statue Sideshow edition !
i have the SS exclusive with optional Hades claws. Still in styrofoam cuz I need to clear a spot for it.comparing the statue with the iphone size
Second one is "Tetsuo Wins" by Godmachine. It was part of an "Alternate Endings" gallery show at the Bottleneck. Pretty sweet.
comparing the statue with the iphone size
Camera is to the left so it's a 4 or 4S.That iPhone looks huge is it a 5?
I see you're from Spain, where did you order the game from? I'm from Italy and want to import it as well without spending a fortune (and maybe avoiding custom house fees). Grats on the pickup!P4G import.
I see you're from Spain, where did you order the game from? I'm from Italy and want to import it as well without spending a fortune (and maybe avoiding custom house fees). Grats on the pickup!