Tangentially related, but the Link Figma won't be sold in the United States after all. Those interested should pick them up now to avoid paying eBay reseller prices later.
I should have picked up another, such an awesome toy.
Tangentially related, but the Link Figma won't be sold in the United States after all. Those interested should pick them up now to avoid paying eBay reseller prices later.
Sorry, I got it from Amazon. This is my first time hearing about the Commander Cody DVD offer though. I really need to visit Satellite News more often.Did you preorder MST3K from Shout Factory to get the extra Commander Cody DVD? Mine has not showed up yet, and I'm curious what it looks like.
Yeah - I got it via my preorder from Futureshop in Canada. I'm pretty happy with it. Not sure how, where you can find it outside of that.
CloakedPuppet Is that a Steelbook? I want one too...
1800 watt induction burner and Mickey 3DS (which I forgot to cancel and amazon shipped, oh well).
So you're gonna' cook it?
Needs more cooking, the title! I don't really know, but the demo was crap. Hopefully game is better. I only paid $25 so I'm gonna give it a go.
If you call it crap, why buy it? 'only' $25? Still enough money.
My favorite Mass Effect, I'll finally be able to complete my platinum trilogy, though not any time soon... =(![]()
Xena S3, Picross 3D (I never knew about this game - addicting!), Persona 4 Golden (love this game! But I'll make sure to drop down the difficulty next time because the grinding is killing me!) and a 32GB memory card (bye 8GB), Lego LoTR, Need for Speed Most Wanted, Fifa 13, another cable for my iphone, and finally my great purchase was a Nexus 7! Love this device especially because it's not heavy and huge like the ipads. Great for reading my kindle books, comics and mangas!!! Also got a grey cover for it.
And my brother was kind enough to give me $40 psn space bucks for early Christmas since I'll be gone for a while! Thanks, Glennct!!!!!
You know, if the Vita was $200 and included a 4/8GB memory card, so many more people would buy it. Not just on Black Friday.
Wow, just... wow. I had no idea this existed. Very nice! It doesn't by any chance come with English subs, does it? The info I'm finding suggests not, but that's probably better for my wallet...
I'm guessing it'll be the first price cut of 2013 as a permanent drop.
Better be.
If folks really jump at it at the sub $200 level.
Personally, never really understood $30-50 price cuts on systems and how they fuel purchasing. In my mind, I amortize the initial cost over the four-five year cycle of the system and, (and 10-20 games if not more), so the little extra initial cost far outweighs waiting one, two, three years on the hardware. And, given Sony's history they will probably lighten, and cheapen, the system as they release hardware updates.
I'm with you all the way. I'd rather spend the extra $100+ on a console at or near launch for the extra year or two over getting it after the first price drop and whatever holiday bundle is put out.
The counter argument is that there isn't much of a library in the first year, especially in the case of the modern handhelds. 3DS is starting to really get stuff that interests me and Vita just has Persona 4 plus some psp stuff in the store.
Why not wait a few months or year after launch for a larger library and a lower price both on the console and the games?
And yours came in a much prettier box than mine!
Since people have been talking about Macross, here's my fave of the year:
Where'd you get it from? The local Rolex retailers only have the presidential ones and I'm not balling like that. Starts at 40kmy first rolex
Took advantage of the temporary price cut and store discounts and got me a Vita...
...and after finishing Gravity Rush the purchase feels fully justified.
Got em from Finish Line Cyber Monday surprise restock round 2. Had to get a pair since I missed out last year.
What? are you serious? WHY DID I MISS THIS??
Pikachu nipples.
Unexpected awesome pickup within Hawkeye Vol. 5: getting my letter printed!
Went to the pawn shop today, and since its a Buy 3 get the cheapest Free, I bought 6 5$ games.
-Jet Force Gemini, Ape Escape 2, Viva Pinata,Galaxy Force II,Jurrasic Park,Spyro GBA in Box with Manual
-Then went to the mail and got my Play Asia order of Okami for the Ps3 and The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks
And monday night I got Scribblenauts, New Super Mario Bros U and a Reading Japanese Book who is supposed to be the best one on the market.
Oh and I bought Hell Yeah because it was cheap on Steam.
Oh and dont tell my Dad, I bought him a Kobo Glo with a case for Christmas. Now I need a gift for my Mother who is a hardcore casual gamer and my brother who is into sound systems and cars.
What? Where?
Edit: looks like sold out, and expensive?