So this year was probably the best, and most surprising, Christmas I've had since my childhood.
First, my girlfriend decided instead of buying me random stuff that I would probably like... she went straight to the top of my wishlist. So this happened:
Mother fucking FFIII. Mother fucking Action Replay for Sega Saturn. And wrassling games for N64 I didn't own. Holy shit. Final Fantasy III was actually my most wanted game, period. In Canada, that shit goes for over $60, and I've been outbid on it countless times on ebay. My girlfriend to the rescue
Also, with that Action Replay, I can finally go nuts with a Sega Saturn collection! Region free woooooooo
Next, possibly the most surprising gift I've ever received:
I own a PS4 and Wii U. I've said countless times on GAF that would I be there day one for an Xbone the day they announce a new Banjo Kazooie. I don't need an Xbone right now, and I certainly don't need the new Ass Creed game. Yet, here I am unwrapping my gifts on Christmas morning, and I find this fucker under the tree.
The last time I received a new video game console for Christmas was the Gamecube in 2001. So it was pretty surreal to experience that again, 13 years later. Even though I'm much older now, it still felt pretty sweet to unwrap a present and see a CONSOLE.
The most amazing part: this was from my GRANDFATHER. For as long as I can remember, my grandfather has given me cash for Christmas. It was great. I'd use it to go crazy on boxing day sales. It was expected. I don't know what happened this year. Somehow, he must have asked someone what video games I liked, and SOMEHOW he learned about Xbox One, and here we are. Unbelievable! I haven't been surprised by a Christmas gift in years. It's been 90% cash, clothes and gift cards. I think it's safe to say this is one of my favorite Christmas gifts ever, my grandparents are awesome <3
Anticipating said cash, I took it upon myself to do some Christmas shopping for myself earlier in the month:
With the AV Famicom and Xbox One, I own pretty much every major home console ever made. Next on the list is, like... the original Xbox? Sega Master System? PS Vita?
I've always wanted a Masterpiece Optimus Prime. For the last few years, it's gone for over $300 at conventions and online. They finally re-released him this year for a super reasonable price, so I grabbed him! I just want a Megatron now and I'm done with Transformers collecting. These things are way too big for my room lol
I also got a bunch of boring Boxing Day blu rays. Too lazy to take a pic but they're cool. And they were cheap. Nothing like the Cineplex 50% off deal from last year, though
What a good Christmas