Wait, I'm under the impression he didn't get the case/manual and the clerk mistakenly gave him a copy of the newer game but hey, free game > case/manual?
Wait, I'm under the impression he didn't get the case/manual and the clerk mistakenly gave him a copy of the newer game but hey, free game > case/manual?
PSP Vita arrived today from Discshop (Sweden). One day early? Unlike them! But I aint complaining.
Got some pretty good headphones for free.
Only game I got retail. I also got a 16GB memorycard, so I just bought Motorstorm RC and Everybodys Golf.
Graphics are O_O
Vita is O_O
Picked this bad boy up tonight to add to the Arcade. Picking up a Street FIghter II Hyper FIghting on Thursday to finish it of for now:
Cleaning up well.
Mega Drive wireless controllers.
Awesome machine! Will you try replacing the side art or keep it? Monitor looks a bit faded, but doesn't look terrible. Good pick up! What was the price you paid for it?
PSP Vita arrived today from Discshop (Sweden). One day early? Unlike them! But I aint complaining.
Got some pretty good headphones for free.
Only game I got retail. I also got a 16GB memorycard, so I just bought Motorstorm RC and Everybodys Golf.
Graphics are O_O
Vita is O_O
Late to the party on the Kiseki series, but freaking loving FC after about 20 hours. Need to pick up Zero if I can find it somewhere for a good price. Gravity Daze is old, just never posted a pic. Overclock was found in a "selling-new-as-used" price bin for about $13, can't pass on that.
Happy VITA day
What's in the white box ?
New Blu-Rays
New Blu-Rays
Picked this bad boy up tonight to add to the Arcade. Picking up a Street FIghter II Hyper FIghting on Thursday to finish it of for now:
Monitor is in great shape, got new buttons coming on Friday or Saturday.
Cleaning up well.
Its like that Dodge Caravan commercial coming true. lol
I believe that's the case for the press.
No Vita for me =(
Instead, some great movies!
Arietty Collector's Edition (with awesome postcards!), Cleopatra Two Disc Collectors Edition, and Hook!
How is Redline?
Was greeted with several packages here at work. Here's what I picked-up while on vacation:
Art book & games:
Nice price. Shame about the cut music, but I'm sure you can live with it at that price.Only reason I got Daria is because it was $8.