Bought this:
Sorry for the shot's quality.
Dat Leica lens...
whaaa...what is this?![]()
Well, you got me again Nintendo. I really shouldn't have purchased a new gaming handheld/console, especially given the fact that my most recent purchase (The Wii U) has been collecting dust like nobody's business. Still, the recent Nintendo direct paired with the upcoming (late) release of Fire Emblem means I just had to cave.
When I got home yesterday I found out that the 3DS XL in the initial bundle that I picked up had a small but visible scratch underneath the screen. So I had to run back to the store to trade it. Not a great first experience. I'm also not digging how perfectly still you need to hold the screen for the 3D not to warp, or the short battery life. That said, when the 3D works, it's great and Super Mario 3D Land is a stellar Mario game. It shits all over New Super Mario Brothers U. The Galaxy team knows how to make amazing games.
Also picked up Pullblox (Pushmo) which is a lot of fun in small bursts.
It comes with 2 controllers? When did they start doing this?
Well, they are selling it in Russia since the beginning of the year for sure. Maybe in other european territories as well.
The UK got the Limited Edition Azurite Blue set last friday.
I of course picked one up yesterday!
500gb of Sony/PS+ goodness!
The UK got the Limited Edition Azurite Blue set last friday.
I of course picked one up yesterday!
500gb of Sony/PS+ goodness!
Awesome pictures
The UK got the Limited Edition Azurite Blue set last friday.
I of course picked one up yesterday!
500gb of Sony/PS+ goodness!
No offence. But its looks toyish. Sony is heading into Fischer Price territory with the colours.
Bought me a PS3 Deli Slim (top looks like a deli slicer to me) Uncharted 3/Eve Dust 514 bundle that came with a free wired licensed headset and also added Ni No Kuni on top since it was on sale for $50 and was the game i really bought the ps3 for.
Bought it all for $350. The only issue i'm going through is dealing with PSN support to update my email address since i no longer have access to it because it was for an old isp email address that was closed. It's going to take a few days fro them to confirm the change even though i know the email and password... it's just been a while since i signed in so i need to update my password.... looks like no ps+, downloading my old PSN games and what not for a few days... oh well... time to play some ni no kuni!!!
No offense to the owner but that console is an ugly piece of shit and in this case, colors only make it worse.There is ALWAYS space for colored consoles. Screw just having black and white. Pretty sad and pathetic that this gen we basically have to go with controllers to get color into our gameroom.
That looks horrible personally. The white one posted earlier in this thread looks much better.The UK got the Limited Edition Azurite Blue set last friday.
I of course picked one up yesterday!
500gb of Sony/PS+ goodness!
There is ALWAYS space for colored consoles. Screw just having black and white. Pretty sad and pathetic that this gen we basically have to go with controllers to get color into our gameroom.
I wish I had it
5 games are complete, 2 are cart/case only.
Finally got my Fire Emblem: Awakening artbook! It's all kinds of amazing.
Damn, can I still get this online somewhere?
Finally got my Fire Emblem: Awakening artbook! It's all kinds of amazing.
Never seen Carne asada fries before? They're good. Munch, munch, munch.whaaa...what is this?![]()
Damn damn damn!
Does this mean you recently picked this 'Thing' up? Or recently got it framed?
Where the hell did you come from?!?!? I haven't seen you in the art thread!
Nope. I'm not from the USA. Looks very...unhealthy. But I guess it's tasty.Never seen Carne asada fries before? They're good. Munch, munch, munch.
Blockbuster MX has some kickass offers, got rid of old 360 games and got these for almost one dollar.
I know it's not as impressive as most of your purchases and that maybe I'll get banned for buying Borderlands 2, but 1 was a blast with a friend, and I wanted to join him in the game.
Or maybe getting banned for posting with cellphone camera instead of a pro one? Oh well.
The list: have a BlockBuster nearby, like half a block distance, perhaps I should give it a visit after work.
Thats a really nice painting. Who's the artist?This is for my girlfriend for her birthday it's her favourite painting just got it framed today and I'm pretty happy how it turned out:
good lord dude, your pickups pics are damn pretty
Sweet mother of baby holy jesus, man. What an awesome set of pictures. You know how to shoot them, huh! a really nice painting. Who's the artist?
Both, got it printed and framed.
This isn't an original Stout. It was actually recreated by a dedicated fan using Illustrator. Believe it or not, it's actually quite common since people are grossly overcharging ($1500-$2000 last I checked) for the originals. Shoot me a PM if you're interested and I'll link you to the file.