Holy shit, quote that picture or resize it please
This is the problem with using MobileGAF all the time
Holy shit, quote that picture or resize it please
This is the problem with using MobileGAF all the timeFixed
awww manz... I thought I was gonna spend my tax return on a 3DS with Soul Hackers...
until this morning when someone emailed this picture to me:
guess I'm officially going to japanz now...
money money muh-neey!
PS4? lolz come at me!
Geforce Titan:
"Whoa, look at all thatjuiceRAM
Pretty lights.
Plugged into the second pci-e slot. It's big brother (EVGA SuperClocked Titan) is going in the master slot tomorrow.
Now to go melt my eyes with pretty graphics and framerates
PS4? lolz come at me!
Geforce Titan:
Now to go melt my eyes with pretty graphics and framerates
That shit is $1,379 on Amazon. You bought TWO. I'll take my $499 PS4 thank you very much. (Or your spare)
Nice, do you plan on selling the Lightning XE 580's?
PS4? lolz come at me!
Geforce Titan:
"Whoa, look at all thatjuiceRAM
Pretty lights.
Plugged into the second pci-e slot. It's big brother (EVGA SuperClocked Titan) is going in the master slot tomorrow.
Now to go melt my eyes with pretty graphics and framerates
Someone on here bought two Titans? I am jelly because of that.
(Strawberry flavoured, naturally).
Mother of fucking god damn holy crap that is a beast of a card.PS4? lolz come at me!
Geforce Titan:
"Whoa, look at all thatjuiceRAM"
Pretty lights.
Plugged into the second pci-e slot. It's big brother (EVGA SuperClocked Titan) is going in the master slot tomorrow.
Now to go melt my eyes with pretty graphics and framerates
February pick ups.
Kindle paperwhite, awesome device.
Dead space 3, metal gear rising, sleeping dogs and a ton of dlc for it, psasbr.
Mass effect trilogy for ps3.
PS4? lolz come at me!
Pretty lights.
Plugged into the second pci-e slot. It's big brother (EVGA SuperClocked Titan) is going in the master slot tomorrow.
Now to go melt my eyes with pretty graphics and framerates
That shit is $1,379 on Amazon. You bought TWO. I'll take my $499 PS4 thank you very much. (Or your spare)
I'm with you on that one. I appreciate all of those who can afford PC gaming but where I am now, I can't justify the cost. For a decent PC that I would want, it would be over $1,000. If I get my PS4, I'm good. Don't have to worry about changing settings and I always know that whatever PS4 games I put in my PS4, it will work. My next few purchases are a PS4 and a Wacom Cintiq, so there goes my gaming PC budget.
You'll have to play through 4 chapters. The dlc is sold "in game" but only at a certain point. Though it doesn't take too long to get to that point in the game. Maybe an hour.Finally.
However, I have no time to play it outside of getting the download for now. So many exams. So much clinical work.
Sk3tch got 4.
High-end PC gaf is dangerous
Got anymore pics of that paper white case? What color is it?
Never played it before.
Here are my pickups from this month!
2 new watches for my collection. The Blancpain Villeret and the new Ronde Solo from Cartier. I actually picked these up late January but I'll post it with my other stuff this month.
I am adding my unique pcb purchase of the month...
I am adding my unique pcb purchase of the month...
Should have done some research before getting the FE soundtrack i just learned a 5 disc ost is getting released on march 26 -_-
Pretty lights.
Plugged into the second pci-e slot. It's big brother (EVGA SuperClocked Titan) is going in the master slot tomorrow.
Now to go melt my eyes with pretty graphics and framerates
These just came in...in honor of Markman! Lol
You've skipped next gen and gone right on to next-next gen.
I have picked up WAY too much lately >.<
Also picked up Fire Emblem on 3DS at Best Buy...FINALLY! And I am now addicted. and Transformers Fall of Cybertron and Halo Anniversary. A little late I know
Game is out already for ME region. Steelbook with slipcover is a German preorder exclusive which I got off ebay.
Thrift Store Pick-Ups:
Studio Monitors:
...and some weird ass gum
Now I haveBig Bro Superclocked Titan arrived today