Me and soka still having trouble getting games scheduled, we better not get punished for family related problems, because that would show a bad precedent in this league for the future.
Ronobo 2-0 over Fixed.
Sad too be out, now to root for the 2 that beat me BigAT and Ronobo!
Thanks man!
only took screen of 2nd game.
Me and soka still having trouble getting games scheduled, we better not get punished for family related problems, because that would show a bad precedent in this league for the future.
Smidget lost 1-2 to TriGen/DJamesGames! Good games, he just had better ones![]()
That was the most epic best out of 3 ever.
I won yondaime#1175
2 games to 1
Moving on!
Yup, Yondy won 2-1.
I recorded the matches. Easily the best 3 matches I've ever played against someone. Really kind of insane, I'm excited to share them on here once I get them up on YouTube. Yondy was about to uninstall after the first game, I pulled some serious bullshit luck out hahaha.
Game 3 was also super close.
i legit was gonna uninstall, he did 22 damage in 1 turn as a fucking sham LOL
Okay guys, matches have slowed down a lot, I was hoping people would get some done this weekend but barely anyone played.. Need people to start picking it up or disqualifications will happen.
This goes to round 1 and round 2 losers. Crash you're fine since you've been waiting on round 1 results.
Also, since I just lost, am I out of the tourney now or moved to somewhere in the losers bracket? I have no clue how this stuff works.
My mom passed away this morning unexpectedly, so I am not in a mind frame to finish this.
I'm out.
Good luck too all.
I won 2-0 against Bizazedo
I didn't get the 2nd image but I'm sure Bizazedo can confirm
I'll be on tonight to play. You free bigat?
Just saw this, I can go tomorrow night, pretty much any time.
Jesse over BigAT 2-0.
Thanks for the games. GL with the rest of yours and maybe I'll see you again![]()
Never did get your confirmation from your previous match.
Kirblar and Sadranger. You have until the end of today to get your match done. If not, one if not both of you will be disqualified.
so mhm, how long until the next round starts![]()