Blu ray pickups
The Twelve Kingdoms
You Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Blu ray pickups
The Twelve Kingdoms
I need that! where did you bought it?
Blu ray pickups
The Twelve Kingdoms
Shaman King Vol. 19
I don't get it.
Click the picture.
S.S.T. Band (エスエスティーバンド- Out Run CD (1992 pressing)
You Sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Yes! One of my favorite series (both books and the anime)
this is what $250 gets you at Uniqlo... before taxes that is...
half of my meals; the other half being italian food which for some reason I never photographed![]()
Blu ray pickups
The Twelve Kingdoms
JEKKI in da house!!
I'm back!!! I took a weekend trip to the Bay Area!
or "NorCal" as dumb ppl call it -_-
this is what $250 gets you at Uniqlo... before taxes that is...
After 45 days of waiting, it has finally arrived.
Fix-It Felix Jr for Genesis/Mega Drive.
Has it been held op by customs thát long, or something?
Can't seem to get my phone to take clear pictures.
SHORT PEACE (PS3) - Hybrid disc including 4 movie segments overseen by Katsuhiro Otomo, and the 5th segment - a game developed by Crispy's (Tokyo Jungle) with Suda51 on 'Scenario' duties.
I suppose the short movies are in the same quality as the bluray version. Do you know if the PS3 disc can be read on any bluray player and if it is possible, is it region free?
Playback is indeed bluray quality, with the option to choose either 5.1 or 2.0 audio track. The game element shows up in the games list on the XMB, but the 'movie' part is selected through the video list on XMB. I'm running it on a UK Slim PS3, no problems whatsoever regarding region playback.
I do have a dedicated region-hacked bluray player, but it hadn't occurred to me to try the disc with it. Let me check it out when I can later today, and I'll report back with my findings...
Thanks! I think I will get it soon![]()
lol, i remember you doing that in some of your pickups.Impatient pickups:
Senran Kagura Burst (3DS, JP version) - Out next month in the EU, but I have the means to play it, and I got it cheap, so why not. Will still pick up the EU version. Can never have too much hometown in your life:
US 3DS XL, Shin Megami Tensei IV LE - You had one job, NOE. Which you still haven't done. EU folks, you should probably start getting excited - whenever I import something that's in localisation limbo, it's announced for release within about a week:
And in true pickups tradition... (may only make sense to long-term visitors to the pickups thread):