Most of this stuff was picked up/ordered between X-mas & New Years.
-I got the books 20% off at Half-Price Books and got the eShop/Steam cards on sale at Best Buy.
-All from Amazon - AVP was super-cheap, I've got V1 of Gargoyles on the way from another source so I grabbed V2 before it went OOS, and Amazon finally started stocking the Samus Figma!
-I got all of these movies/shows super-cheap from GoHasting's 50% off sale except for Earthworm Jim (got that cheap from an Amazon seller).
-The Wiimote rechargeable battery/charger, Blue Wiimote/Nunchuk, & extra Wiimote battery are all from Nintendo's online store and I found the black Nunchuk @ Goodwill.
I also ordered the high-capacity battery for the Wii U GamePad, but it's still back-ordered.
-I found Ridge Racer V at Half-Price Books for $1, got LA Noire Complete for a great price from Second-Spin, grabbed the MGS collection on sale from Best Buy (it's seemingly OOP already so I didn't want to miss out on it), and got all the other used games ultra-cheap (50% off) from GoHastings.
-I got Sonic: Lost World for $15 from Best Buy (sale price + gift card) and the other two games from GoHastings. They were listed as 'used' so I got both for 50% off but they both arrived new & sealed!
-Last but
certainly not least, my
Japanese Zelda 3DSLL! Now I can finally play all the JP-exclusive 3DS games I'm interested in!