Eh. The more I look at it, the more I like it.cjelly said:Holy crap the NA Focus is ugly.
Congrats, though, Dax.
Yeah, ditto. I managed to get quite far into the game but the level design is horrendous and Batman moves like a tank. It's beatiful though, and has some really nice music :lolbPod said:I remember the Batman game that I couldn't beat. Annoying as HELL!
Auron_Kale said:Mini pick-up from yesterday:
MarkMan said:I just found them online! Thanks though, I want both! haha
LegendOfGood said:Care to share?
Zophar said:Said goodbye to a couple of PS3/360 games and hello to these:
Total cost: $2.61
(upper left corner is Raiden Trad)
SuperJ Last but not least said:S-Video cable for my SNES/N64[/B]. Going to be playing Super Metroid for the first time soon...
mjc said:I gotta pick up Moon in the next couple days.
SuperJ said:
Neo-Geo AES - US model with in complete in box with styrofoam, baggies, twisty ties, etc. I've wanted one of these things for 15+ years. The picture doesn't do it justice. There is not a scuff or scratch on the console or the controller. I also picked up a controller extension cord, a memory card, and a copy of the Japanese release of Samurai Showdown II (真サムライスピリッツ 覇王丸地獄変:
(I scanned it - this is NOT a google image).
Corran Horn said:Post Christmas presents to myself
HAOHMARU said:Wow...great pickup. Enjoy SSII. If you don't mind me asking, where and how much did you get the system and game for? I'm a huge SNK fan but have never owned one of their consoles. I've only had oppurtunites to play at the arcade and on other consoles they have released games on.
Oh shoot, I love that game. Now I need to go edit my top 5.DMPrince said:I returned the other copy back gamestop because it was crap. So today I went to another GS and picked it up there!
Infinitemadness said:I have to say, I think this is the best "piece" in my collection now.
Bargain of the year so far in this thread! That's an amazing selection of Mega Drive greatness (well except for Greendog anyway). Just for Gunstar or Ranger-X alone that would have been a steal.Zophar said:Said goodbye to a couple of PS3/360 games and hello to these:
Total cost: $2.61
(upper left corner is Raiden Trad)
Minotauro said:Mine is currently sitting at the UPS depot. Fuck you and your un-doorbell-ringing ways, UPS man.
ithorien said:If a genie popped up right now and gave me three wishes, one of them would be to completely wipe the earth of any trace of UPS. I curse the day Newegg stopped being FedEx exclusive.
Minotauro said:In this day and age, it's inexcusable to use anything but USPS Priority Mail. Truly.
And, I worked from home today just so I'd be here to sign for my package. I don't know how the motherfucker even got the UPS post-it on my doorway without me hearing it. He must've been some sort of ninja.
sw26 said:Cheap DS stuff I got in the pre-christmas sales:
I have that Monster Hunter Illustrations, good shit.Mik2121 said:I picked up this today:The Monster Hunter pack comes with two books. One with color and around 300 pages, and one monochrome with around 100 pages.
A random page on Monster Hunter Illustrations (color book)
EDIT - Holy shit, the pictures quality is HORRIBLE. I will take better pics later.
Kai Ozu said:awesome.jpg
Infinitemadness said:I have to say, I think this is the best "piece" in my collection now.
Oh wow...Kai Ozu said: