randomlyrossy said:Oh man, I hate you so much right now. Definitely be wanting some impressions on that!
randomlyrossy said:Oh man, I hate you so much right now. Definitely be wanting some impressions on that!
Where are you going?!Yes Boss! said:Last pick-up of 2010 till August since I'll be gone for the better part of this year. My favorite thread on GAF and I'll be watching from afar. See you guys/gals in eight months.
Best regards, YB!
Liquidus said:http://i47.tinypic.com/5ciyog.jpg[/QUOTE]
where'd ya get the phone strap?
Valkyr Junkie said:Is that the MGS4 art book that was just released?
KanZolo said:how much/ where did u get the Ga-ko clock
Liquidus said:Yeah. It's pretty good. It has some nice concept art for Raiden and his evolution to what he was in MGS4. Sunny has some cool concept art as well and they have a few unused characters like "Snake-Man".
The phone strap is really old but I got it for free when I bought another Ga-Ko alarm clock. They usually go for about $15-$20 on ebay/Yahoo Japan.
Motherfucker... so awesome.Liquidus said:
Jago said:
Superb taste in music confirmed.WEGGLES said:
FOOTE said:
Tokubetsu said:You're gonna regret that 28 Days Later BR purchase.
what's wrong with it?Suburban_Nooblet said:Yes they will.
that movie shot with Canon XL-1S and resolution is lil above than dvd..it looks horrible on FULL HD resolutiondustytruly said:what's wrong with it?
dustytruly said:what's wrong with it?
"Utterly disappointing" is the only phrase that comes to mind at the moment. This Blu-ray edition of '28 Days Later' arrives with a hazy 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 transfer that's only a meager step up from the already-problematic DVD. In fact, I found the finalized image incredibly similar to the upscaled DVD presentation.
Where to start? The entire transfer is soft and host to the murkiest backgrounds I've yet to experience on either high-definition format. Actors are blurry, textures are indistinct, and fine details are frequently obscured by video noise. Shaky colors and wavering contrast combine to create a painful, two-dimensional picture -- one that is further flattened by the consistent presence of intrusive artifacts. Even worse, most shots suffer from edge halos, quick pans tend to pixelate the image, and cityscapes are smeared and shifty. Detail is the tiniest bit sharper than the DVD, but it's a minor improvement that's an inherent product of the increased resolution.
To be fair, I wasn't expecting to be blown away by the video on this release. The majority of the film was shot using a European model Canon XL-1s standard-definition camcorder at 720x576 resolution (thanks to Grubert for the info), a decision on the part of the filmmakers to give the film a rough-around-the-edges visual style. As such, its unrealistic to expect that '28 Days Later' would look as sharp as other high-def releases. I did, however, hope to see at least some benefit from this Blu-ray transfer.
While an argument can (and Im sure, will) be made for Boyle's directorial intentions, in my book it can't justify a higher video score for this one. It would simply be irresponsible to rate this transfer at the same level as other, better looking, high-def releases.
Couldn't it look worse than a properly upscaled DVD though?Jtwo said:It's not going to look worse than the DVD.
Honestly I haven't seen it on BRD, but the movie looks crappy. That's how it's supposed to look.HUELEN10 said:Couldn't it look worse than a properly upscaled DVD though?
Just wanted to point this out for further ridicule.Truespeed said:One can only wonder WTF they were thinking when they shot this movie.
FoxMcCloudDS said:I got the same thing, just the H233H (23") a few days ago and am loving it. How are you liking yours?
Jtwo said:Just wanted to point this out for further ridicule.
krae_man said:[FC16 GO pics]
Yesss!DennisK4 said:Superb taste in music confirmed.
WEGGLES said:Yesss!
They're playing a festival in Toronto with Pavement and Broken Social Scene... SO badly want to go..
That is one insanely good-looking watch. Too bad I won't ever be able to afford something of that kind.AlfaTrion said:
Like him? I love him. That Taschen Big Book Of Boobs just shot to the top of my most wanted list.Wormdundee said:How could anyone not like Toy Soldier?
Gameboy415 said:How is it?? Any problems with the screen or compatibility issues??
I thought about buying one over the holidays, but I'm sure there will be more 3rd-party SNES portables in the future so I can wait. Also, I'm waiting to see if Messiah releases something like a Generation NEX for SNES games.