They keep insisting on using LCD screens instead of E-ink. That screen is the Kindle's killer feature.
We have the Kobo here in Canada, and it's great. I would say I like it better than the kindle
They keep insisting on using LCD screens instead of E-ink. That screen is the Kindle's killer feature.
I love my m-50's
What are your impressions on the e6 amp? I've looking to get one.
whooo~!!! Im back from vacation!!!
also picked up:
also picked up:
Is that a cr-48 I spy?
Damn that looks pretty nice too. I got that crappy original decal on mine, and need something new. Been buying upgrades for the thing as I move to windows on cr-48 (64gb ssd, wifi card with bluetooth, and a broadcom accelerator). Probably more money than I should spend, but whatever.
Edit: And thanks to you, I just ordered this decal:
I'll make sure to get a pic of it when it arrives
Junes tee
Where can I get this amazing shirt?![]()
Wow, that shirt is amazing. Where did you find it?
lol this is awesome
I got it at Magfest! lol.Yeah, is this available online somewhere? : P
Awesome T-shirt.
And finally picked up Darksiders! I've heard a lot of great things; and you can't do wrong for $3.51/shipped.
We have the Kobo here in Canada, and it's great. I would say I like it better than the kindle
Is that a Justin Beiber arcade stick?
I don't even....
I don't....
It's for the GF.
Ask me how I know.
You can put an off the shelf ssd in the cr48? Details?
I dont think I'll be needing to buy comics for a while lol.
also picked up:
Beauty & the Beast 3D ticket
I don't know where it's from or what it's referencing, but I still want this shirt.
Are you from the Dublin area? :O
Cell phone pictures incoming! You have been warned
This was an Xmas present. I think I love it. Or I did until my stepbrother jumped up onto it while I was using it. It has a weight limit dipshit! I'll be getting a new, unbent one sometime in the near future.
A really big and heavy Bronica SQ-A (6x6 camera), 80mm 2.8, 220-film back (buying a 120 soon), two Fuji Pro 160NS rolls and a couple of accessories (two different viewfinders), two matte prisms and a Capital lightmeter. I love it and I'm on my first roll. Gonna shoot a lot during the weekend to try it out, taking notes after every shot. Loving the square format, composition is a lot different than 35mm
Also bought Starfox 64 3D and Steel Diver!
2011 was the year of custom sticks.
The Chun TE I got at EVO.![]()
I haven't preordered a game since Wind Waker (OoT Master Quest bonus disc FTW). I've never paid in full for a preorder. I've never bought a collector's edition, even back to my NES days.
What can I say, I'm hyped for this one.
An envelope from Japan! What could the people of that fine country have sent me?
![]() was at the store earlier today and saw this: (crappy quality)
I got the Nightmare on Elm Street Collection on Blu RayI'm so happy because I always wanted the DVD Collection but it didn't come out in my country (that I know of) so it was quite a surprise to come across with this little package (I didn't even know they were making a blu-ray release). I've only watched Dream Warriors so far and I'm pretty happy with the quality.
An envelope from Japan! What could the people of that fine country have sent me?
An envelope from Japan! What could the people of that fine country have sent me?
Replaced my AMD 5770 with a GTX 570. Should give me a massive increase at 1920x1200 resolution in most games.