The Lumia and iPhone remain the be the only smartphones that look and feel like they're worth the money.
My brother just got one. The phone feels really nice. I love the rubberized back.I love my HTC 8X!
EB started selling them early in Canada. Any store that's got it in stock should be selling it already, they started yesterday.
Besides picking up Snatcher (PS1), another Nexus 4 (16GB), Conkers Bad Fur Day and all of these N64 games this has been my favourite pick up for January:
The cases are dirt cheap. I bought 20 off ebay for $25 and the covers can be found at The Cover Project.
Total cost with printing was $38.
Sorry for the shitty pic but trust when I say that these look really sharp and pop really nicely when displayed.
Tried to find some on ebay, with no luck. I definitely wanna pick these up, they'll make my shelf look so much cleaner, lol.
Portable smile generator get :>
I don't "get" the Pikachu 3DSXL. Counting out the awkward camera nipples, when opened it's upside down.
Got two new games today. No time to play...
My monthly order from amiami~ Or it seems that way at least XD
Also just got my Ni no Kuni WE today:
....damn shame my PS3 YLOD'd on me in December :/
There's two shirts and a tote bag there XD I also got a "desk mat" set that didn't fit in the pic; its basically a big, thin mouse pad [one with Nemecchis on it, the other with Raidou & Raido on it~]. You can try your luck over on amiami, some of the shirts show as "back-ordered" but you can still try to buy 'em...but if you want a sure thing I could sell you the white t-shirt on the left [same "GUMP" design as the one on the right, but I got it in large instead of medium ^^;]What is all that Soul Hackers swag and when do you want my address?
Saying goodbye to the Galaxy S3, hated it.
And hello to the Lumia 920
The Lumia and iPhone remain the be the only smartphones that look and feel like they're worth the money.
At school right now, my phone camera sucks but grabbed this before class!![]()
not pictured: a new burger press for grilling season and specialty pan for French bread (mid-west can't duplicate that New Orleans style french bread at all)
The fuck?
I'm jealous lol
I really want to see unboxed pics.
I really want to see unboxed pics.
Yeah, if you think the 3DS is for other people to admire. A portable is for the user and only the user. No image on the inside so when closed it faces you for your personal pleasure. Why would you want it backwards?
More awkward is the questionable two-tone that nintendo has chosen for the white 3DSs.
I'm a big Darkwing Duck fan, so I bought a copy of James Silvani's sketchbook, which is full of his fun, nerdy Disney crossover art. You can see most of these illustrations on his Tumblr. He did the art for the Darkwing Duck comics reboot by Boom! a couple years ago. I asked him if he'd do a little DW doodle in my book for me, so he put one on the back and even drew him on the white backing board he shipped with it.
I got my copy of the English Hyrule Historia and am pretty impressed with it. I was also very surprised how much larger it is than the Japanese version
Ps ss looks badass in white!I'm a pretty happy camper right now.