..but appearances can be deceiving, because this isn't actually a Japanese 3DS, it's North American!
My story begins at Futureshop, where I bought a pink 3DS XL. After that, I saw a better deal on Kijiji (with a bunch of games, another Club Nintendo 3DS Case and another pouch to boot) so I bought that, too. I then imported a white Japanese 3DS XL from Play-Asia. Those, combined with my older aqua blue 3DS, that brings my total to 4.

I then started the process of taking apart the white and one of the pinks in order to switch their guts. Here's a picture of the middle of the pink's disassembly:

(My desk isn't normally so messy. Also, that was a clean sock!)
The system transfers are all done, so all that's left now is to return the first pink one to the store, to sell my old Aqua blue one on Kijiji and see if I can find someone to buy a pink Japanese 3DS XL with a North American back. I've also got to decide what to do with the boxes. I generally like to keep the boxes for my handhelds, but in this case my choices are either to keep the Japanese box and manuals (though I can't read Japanese and the charger obviously won't fit in the box) or to keep the White 3DS XL in the pink box and sell the pink one in a white box. Decisions decisions!