Rest of the stuff arrived.
That sure is a lot of Bullshit.
/clever response
Rest of the stuff arrived.
And I finally own the worst Street Fighter game in history and I love it:
Better than EX.
Ano Hana Movie and Silver Spoon are the big pickups.
BBCP from EVO made want to try the game again.
I love to put together a care package of sort for when I take my 4 week summer vacation every year.
Wow, got real lucky today. Replied to a month old post on Craigslist for this sony pvm.
From reading the PVM/Upscaling thread on GAF I knew it was not the best monitor, but a good place to start. Turns out that one was sold but he had a PVM14M2U for $50!!! Made the hour drive and picked it up.
It was a little neglected, but some cleaning will do the job.
Then I fired it up...HOLY SHIT does the image look good. Just on S-video! My iPhone camera does not do it justice.
Hooked up my s-video modded Genesis and some nice stereo speakers
Full Studio Ghibli Collection
Not sure if this is a problem, but I really like this page in the booklet that came with The Witch and the Thousand Knight. lol
That package should keep you busy for a while.I spent around 90 hours on the first Symphonia (on GC) alone, and was at around 85% completion, I think.
I... I think I might need to pick this game up.
Also you've just reminded me to place an order for the physical Japanese copy of Warriors Orochi, thanks!
Mulan Steelbook
Where are you guys getting these Disney steelbooks from? Would it be easier to get from where I live right now (Hong Kong) or import to my US residence (Ohio)?
Nice! Where'd you get dem frames?
That CPU cooler box art is amazing, I've got this stuck in my head now, thanks for that.Just got this bundle in from
Intel Core i5-4670K 3.40GHz with 8GB Kingston HyperX RAM preinstalled. BD player is going back to be swapped for external model, forgot I had it from a previous order and this case has no optical drive slots.
Haven't built a PC since back in about 2001 since moving to laptops, this gonna be fun.
That CPU cooler box art is amazing, I've got this stuck in my head now, thanks for that.
Which GPU are you going for? Should turn into a very nice system.
*cry*cry* for some reason my old stopped working/broke down (all LAN ports incl the WAN port died), so had to pick up a new one, old one was not even a year old (sending old in next week).
That's what I'm using right now. Amazing router.
Toriyama (toribot) with Goku's costume
and To Love-Ru Darkness for PSVita
Is the difference between these and the English releases just the dub and subtitles? I got many of the English bds and was wondering what the differences were?Amazing collection. I want these as well, but the price per piece is ridiculous.
Decided to get a new android tablet as a secondary mobile device (bought a surface pro 3 for main and gave ipad to a relative).
Bought the Samsung Galaxy Tab S due to strong reviews to try it. Got two in a row with shit build quality (dirt under the panel), returned them (also touchwiz is as crappy as ever). That will teach me to buy Samsung. Never again.
Ended up with this:
Couldn't be happier.
Never played any of the God of War games, and I've been meaning to give it a go if the right deal came along, so I bought the Ultimate God of War triple pack which includes all the God of War games (including Ascension) for around 45$.
The screen on the Z2 is lower res than the Tab S, but makes up for it with far more accurate color. It even has white balance adjustment. At the end of the day it's still very sharp. Sonys skin is also far less intrusive than touch wiz. Very clean and cohesive. It's far closer to stock than Samsung.I'm in the market for a 10 inch tablet and was determining if I want to get the tab s or the z2. How is the screen on the z2? I know that technically it isn't as good as the tab s, but is it still good? Also how is Sony's interface software? I don't like touchwiz, but I don't know if Sony's stuff is any better. I wish that that Google would update the Nexus 10, but I don't think that will happen since 10 inch Android tablets haven't really taken off.
I bit the aniplex bullet and bought this. Now I have to buy movie 3 when they release it here.
Hello All!
I was on holiday abroad last month and i was a little bored sitting around waiting andsomething entered my mind... Amazon
this was the result!
Almost mint except the dreamcast is starting to yellow on the top cover.
does anyone know how to fix this?
if not think im on the lookout for a dreamcast console that is or is not working aslong as it has a non yellow top which i could either swap out or put in the box
- Must stop buying things
Not sure if this is a problem, but I really like this page in the booklet that came with The Witch and the Thousand Knight. lol
i think something is horribly wrong with her feet in the left picture D:
Picked up this 83 datsun maxima today. My friend is moving and has to sell some cars because he has 11. So I got this for a steal at $500. Best $500 I've spent in a while. Made the 100 mile drive home with the a/c blasting without issue. Wheels didn't come with the car btw, they're from one of my other cars, and I needed something to drive home on.