Haul for the month and no time to play.
Get 3D World asap and remember to download Killer Instinct
Haul for the month and no time to play.
I also did a short post/video about it.
where did you get the cases?100 - Custom Game Cases to box up my NES, SNES, N64, and loose Genesis games.
can you share the link please? my mind is elsewhereIs there a website that archives all of those?
edit: some googling and found it, this is really cool....
Ended up trading in my Wii U and 3DS XL since all they were doing was gathering dust for the past month or so (plus I found Nintendo's E3 presentation underwhelming). Will pick up both systems again next year though for Zelda U and DQ7 (if that happens)
Watch Dogs and 1 year of PS+ not pictured.
where did you get the cases?
can you share the link please? my mind is elsewhere
I will never understand trading in systems you plan to purchase again. Congrats on the ps4 though. Make sure you get in the Destiny beta.
Welcome to the current generation.
Welcome to the current generation.
The big deal for me is that I'm currently 9,000 miles away from home in China. My wife went to Best Buy to pick up a new fridge/freezer, and this was purchased at the same time! I won't be able to use it for another two weeks, but it's waiting at home for me!
Haha for me it's the opposite. I'm IN China, 9,000 miles away from my home in the US. Trying to find an apartment here and once that's done I can try and get my gaming on again. Out of curiousity, would you recommend shipping over my US consoles (PS4/Wii U) or just buying new ones here?
I worded it badly. We are in the same boat. I live in the USA but currently in China! Only for a couple of weeks though, so not moving here.
My PS4 is awaiting for me at the end of 24 hours of travel - and sleep
The mouse pad is pretty huge. I kinda wish I could've found the Tiny one, though.
Modded Asus monitor with G-Sync.
Did a write up and video on it.
I also did a short post/video about it.
Done and Done. Thanks for the tip!!Congratz!
Get 3D World asap and remember to download Killer Instinct![]()
Great sound and the Virtual Surround thing sorta works with the PC.
Also, messy desk and Chivalry in the background.
Thank youWhoa! Now that's sexy!
Forza 3 LE, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand and Trusty Bell - $10HKD Each. There was a big bin of bargain Xbox 360 games sitting in front of a store for $10HKD a piece. Most of them were Hong Kong versions and sports games but I did find a US version 50 Cent game and the Japanese versions of Trusty Bell and Forza... for $10 each why not.
Well guys meet Sandy my new 2014 Suzuki Gsxr 600
She's so sexy and looking to see if by my birthday Aug 9 il get my hands on a Ford F150 Fx4
Yakuza Ishin - HKD - I've been wanting this for quite some time but it's been pricey. I found a used CE for but haggled it down to It's the Hong Kong version but all the audio and text is still in Japanese so it should be fine, especially for the massive difference in price (the Japanese version sells for at least HKD usually more)
Forza 3 LE, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand and Trusty Bell - HKD Each. There was a big bin of bargain Xbox 360 games sitting in front of a store for HKD a piece. Most of them were Hong Kong versions and sports games but I did find a US version 50 Cent game and the Japanese versions of Trusty Bell and Forza... for each why not.
Newtype Magazine - July issue because the August issue is out meaning this one got set to 50% off. Still cost me about USD but I love these magazines so worth it.
Poster - I didn't want to unravel it but it's a pretty nice poster of Hanazawa Kana
Been a slow summer for games, though I will be picking up The Last of Us Remastered.
I did end up with this beauty a week ago.
Been a while since I posted here
Some retro, VGM and an awesome crpg
Are there any editions of the Yakuza game with English language?
Been a slow summer for games, though I will be picking up The Last of Us Remastered.
I did end up with this beauty a week ago.
My most favorite pickup in quite a long time!
Where in HK? I'm there on Friday and always looking for game bargains?
Are there any editions of the Yakuza game with English language?
I absolutely love batman for nes. So nostalgic for it. Was a boxed copy fairly expensive? I love 1-1's music. Timeless.