that is a plastic protective cover or something similar.Did they change the design of the 3DS a little bit? My 3DS (launch console) doesn't have those little indentations (is that the right word?) around the cameras.
that is a plastic protective cover or something similar.Did they change the design of the 3DS a little bit? My 3DS (launch console) doesn't have those little indentations (is that the right word?) around the cameras.
What model is that? Thanks.
What make/model please?
Yeah, it's a Hori hard case of some sort. Same colour as the system itself.that is a plastic protective cover or something similar.
Hori Gameboy Player Controller - $5 Dollars
Rage was $10 on Amazon so decided to grab it. Also needed some new headphones so I got the cheaper Sony XB300's. They sound pretty good and have really nice base to them.
Did they change the design of the 3DS a little bit? My 3DS (launch console) doesn't have those little indentations (is that the right word?) around the cameras.
It's been a while since I posted in this thread, so I'll be posting stuff from a few months prior, along with more recent purchases.
And finally a 256GB SSD & 8GB RAM upgrade for my early 2011 MBP. Before? Awesome. Now? Beasting!
Do you do any work with Adobe Premiere or other video editing? Notice any major performance changes?
whooo~!!! I went to E3 today!! came back with a few shirts:
gonna go back tomorrow too!!
Rage was $10 on Amazon so decided to grab it. Also needed some new headphones so I got the cheaper Sony XB300's. They sound pretty good and have really nice base to them.
First lens purchase on a path to equipment collecting that seems never-ending and addictive.
Some damned good glass. Some would argue it outshoots L Series.
Thanks, I got the recommendation from members on here. I was shooting with a thrift store find Canon EF 28-80mm and had sold my stock lens as I wasn't needing it or using it. The lowlight stuff was maddening with the thrift store lens even though I got some really nice pics out of it. This thing is beautiful and shoots some amazing pics. It's also amazing how much heft a better built lens has and the build quality doesn't feel like a toy.
I am amazed that many serious photographers I have recommended it to seem to have never heard about it.
I wouldn't go anywhere without that and the Canon "nifty fifty", an unbeatable combo for city shooting.
Is the nifty fifty the 1.8? I was thinking of getting that too.
It is. I still use it on my 5d2. This coming from someone who owned the 24-70 but wasn't impressed
The price on Amazon right now is almost irresistible.
-The Far Side Collections (x7) - My family had most of these when I was a kid but they were left behind in a move. Got em all for ~$0.44 each!
Finally caught up on the new Cave iOS releases! Well, except Blissfull Death since my 3GS is too dated a machine :-(