Rygar 8 Bit
Jaguar 64-bit
yeah its got some rad art
How much did you pay for it? I know that boards themselves can vary from $20-60. I'm guessing this puppy is a bit pricier?
wow nice man, beautiful home
are you going to set up a room for your projector? i remember your setup from that other thread a while back
I'm getting really tempted to grab a pair of these, after all I've heard about them in TLoU threads. You'll have to let me know how you find them.
You'll need an US account to redeem your DLC code.My first PS3 pickup (and first boxed game I've bought in a year or so). Don't actually have a PS3 to play it on (waiting for a price drop). Starting to build up a PS3 collection of the games I missed but wanted to play this gen. Its apparently a US import, so I hope the DLC code still works in NZ.
^ tax free so I figured why not. Been wanting one for a while and the staff was very helpful
I'll post gaming pics later this weekend.
Excellent choice. The Air-King is a sublime and under-the-radar Rolex
My June Pickups
Chinatown BD & 12 Angry Men BD
To my shame, I've never seen 12 Angry Men. Looking forward to finally seeing it. I've seen and love Chinatown though and can't wait to watch the BD for it.
Also ordered The Odd Couple, but it's nowhere to be seen
[B]Luther Series 01 & 02 DVD Boxset[/B]
Already watched it all before on the American Netflix. Ironically, it's not on the UK Netflix over here. Planning to watch it with some friends who haven't seen it before, to get them caught up for season 03.
[B]Dark Souls PC & Remember Me PC[/B]
I've completed and loved Demon's Souls, but to my shame, haven't completed Dark Souls. The time has now come to do so. Haven't touched Remember Me yet also, but looking forward to giving it a go sometime.
[B]Samsung 840 Pro 512GB & SSD Bracket[/B]
Going to install this tonight. It's been a long time coming for me. Can't wait to feel the speed!
Was planning to go for 256GB, but the 256 on amazon went up in price and at the same time, the 512 went down. The temptation got the better of me.
curious how the odd couple blu ray is. absolutely one of my favorite movies
curious how the odd couple blu ray is. absolutely one of my favorite movies
That irresponsible captain tylor. I need to get that. Where?
You'll need an US account to redeem your DLC code.
The Last of Us and Animal Crossing New Leaf, one of the weirdest gaming pairs possible. But in really this picture is just to test out my "new" RX-100, a demo unit from the Best Buy open box sale
5.2 acres, flat, and dry. Those last two parts are hard to come by in the Pac NW.
Just passed inspection and appraisal, waiting on final paperwork. First time buying a home.
Wife and horses get most of it, but I am getting the okay to build a 24'x24' shop for PC Projects, LANs, and general nerdiness. F yeah.
here is a pick up I have been working on for about 2.5 years, our first house. This is our 4 bed, 3 bath house. We spent the last month painting every inch of the interior, and replaced the carpet throughout, and installed a new appliances in the kitchen.
those are the only 2 rooms with the painted stripe, they are right next to each other. Still a lot to do, and unpack
Such an expensive month...
A new house...
I forgot to mention that we also paid for appliances, and the wood cali shutters throughout the house. I'm just glad that I won't have to spend that crazy amount any time soon.
Picked up a new mortgage... And the Last of Us.
Very nice, congrats. I recently picked up a new house myself (2 months ago now) and I noticed you put your TV above the fireplace. Been in that dilemma myself so I'm curious;
1. Is that a LCD or Plasma?
2. Is that a wood burning or gas fireplace?
Crazy so many of us picked up houses this month, there should be a new homeowner thread lol. Best of luck to the rest of you.
I'm really jealous. Everything around me is either garbage or way out of my price range. Not sure what I'm going to do. =(Crazy so many of us picked up houses this month, there should be a new homeowner thread lol. Best of luck to the rest of you.
Picked up a new mortgage... And the Last of Us.