Well I bought a huge lot from a craigslist ad last night. Much of it is non-working game systems that need some fixing (which I can do). Plus there were quite a few games, nothing really major.
Finally got my hands on a Virtual Boy. I've always wanted to play Virtual Boy Wario Land on the real thing. Unfortunately the system has a video issue that'll need fixing, it's a very common issue though and fixable in most cases.
Here are more systems I got:
The 2600 clone and NES Advantage are FILTHY. I don't know if the controller is worth fixing, it goes on the backburner for now. At least 2 of the Super Nintendo's will be an easy fix and the Master System apparently has nothing wrong with it. The GBA SP just has a bad hinge and the GBC has a bad speaker, easy fixes. Most of the other stuff are unknown, but I'll check them out.
And I got a few games too:
Well that's most of them, nothing really special in there. I guess Driver 2 is so nice I get it thrice. I already had Battleclash, but having it boxed is nice. The sealed PS1 game seems worthless.
Here's some other stuff:
I wasn't expecting movies, but whatever. Never heard of a capcom soldier pad, but apparently they go for $15-20 on Ebay, looks uncomfortable. There's even more stuff, but it's mostly useless things like empty boxes and bad controllers.
And with that I'm gonna slow down on buying things for a while.