3 gaming pick-ups this month
Hyrule Historia Regular and Limited editions:
Cinderella Collectors Edition. It looks neat but I do not recommend buying this. It's very cheaply made, especially the "book" that contains the movies but it does have nice art in it.
I picked up some video games. Mirror's Edge, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Rayman Origins, Tomb Raider, Lego City Undercover (really been looking forward to this one), and Epic Mickey 2. I also grabbed a year of xbox live since it was 39.99 at Target and another Wiimote+Nunchuck.
seriously, may this be the last special edition vita i bought in the year 2013 (pls no ffx hdr edition...)
yes, it is the japanese version, i imported it. now i want a black one... must talk myself out of itthat looks sweeeet!
wait.. is that SS... with English Subtitles?
you imported it?
Can't wait!
What's that over the two books? A bookmark?
Also they were giving these out at PAX to anyone who had an android phones. It is actually quite nice and comes with a nice little carrying pouch. Using it with A Galaxy S3
Yep. It's a promotional bookmark for Hyrule Historia.
Not decided what I'm gonna store in it but this this a good start:
Where did you get that 360 controller? I want it entirely too much.
I'm still trying to decide if I want to keep Black Ops 2 for Wii U or take it back.
Time to let it go.
PC + 3DS next generation seems to be the best formula.
My life is going to suffer from this.
I think it was a uk exclusive for FIFA or something.Where did you get that 360 controller? I want it entirely too much.
Bioshock press kit
Add a hinge in the middle.
My CIB NES collection got some new additions this month:
Also some miscellaneous scores. Never have played the Zelda Oracle games before, so I'm excited to dig in:
get charged a ton for that battletoads double dragon?
Sorry for the terrible pictures, was too lazy to even get up and turn on the lights. PAX tuckered me out hahah.
Not really a SNES collector but I have always wanted to own boxed copies of each of the Donkey Kong Countries and couldn't help myself when I saw these two at PAX
Also they were giving these out at PAX to anyone who had an android phones. It is actually quite nice and comes with a nice little carrying pouch. Using it with A Galaxy S3
Got a neat jacket and some new kicks this weekend. Feels good man.
Also they were giving these out at PAX to anyone who had an android phones. It is actually quite nice and comes with a nice little carrying pouch. Using it with A Galaxy S3
get charged a ton for that battletoads double dragon?
Very nice jacket, I've been looking for something similar, could you tell us where you bought it?
Shinobi is pretty cool, definitely worth €5,-Shinobi for just 5€, i wonder if it is fun.
Sweet! Classy pics, man. I like the MGS shelf and the RE setup is nice too.It all began in 1996...
...And now I have something special to truly celebrate what it all means to me!
I <3 you Resident Evil. Thank you for the memories (^_____________^)
And this stuff too:
Supposed to be "Japan Style" which i don't believe but it was cheap, so whatever.
And this stuff too:
Supposed to be "Japan Style" which i don't believe but it was cheap, so whatever.