Waiting for a Diablo III demo so I can make sure my hardware is up to snuff before I drop $50 (Or is it $60?) on it.
Fuck. Seeing all these Diablo III pics just kind of hit me with "Yo, you don't have a gaming PC, you're not going to play Diablo III," syndrome. Kind of just realized it all at once. I'm curious to see how it turns out, as I know there was a lot of controversy to it, but I don't think any of it was related to the actual game itself...
Anyways, is there a "Suggestions |OT|" or something along those lines? I have 1600 MSP, and I'm not sure if I should get Trials Evo+Walking Dead Ep. 1, Fez+ Walking Dead Ep.1, or Minecraft.
Me personally I would go for Fez, and the Walking Dead EP 1. Although I played Trials enough when it was a flash game, and Minecraft is better on pc. Unless you don't have a pc to be able to play, or just enjoy the console more, I would imo just get Minecraft on pc.
you done real good
Hit up a flea market today. Got this for $25. I think I done good.
Nice! Cords too? Any games?
Olly Moss Pokemon Generation 1 Series Prints:
@Cheska: where and how much?![]()
The only thing I want this month. I'm set.
Have you played MP 3 yet? How is it?
Don't post this, your killing me smalls
Damn, I'd pick up Killzone 3 at $10.
Hit up a flea market today. Got this for $25. I think I done good.
I'm trying to hunt one of these down on the cheap. How much do they usually go for?
Depending on your region. Just about $200 in USA though.
Hit up a flea market today. Got this for $25. I think I done good.
hopefully it works :D
Do you have the 50mm F1.8? Get that its awesome
Total spent: 47,5
You're in for some fun, Mole Mania is a brilliant game that hardly anyone got around to playing and Paper Mario is just bliss. Envious if you've not played either before.
Finally I got one.
DAMN!!!!! how much did it cost you? i saw them on amazon for 1000 usd but some guys on uk ebay was selling them new for 100 pounds.
awesome pickup, i would kill for one of those.
This is an incredible find. Get yourself something like Magician Lord to test it out just in case it doesn't work.Hit up a flea market today. Got this for $25. I think I done good.