Razor and brush are both Muhle, it's the R89 GrandeSounds nice.
What razor is it?
Razor and brush are both Muhle, it's the R89 GrandeSounds nice.
What razor is it?
Razor and brush are both Muhle, it's the R89 Grandeand the soap is from Taylor of Old Bond Street.
Definitely check out the Wet Shaving OT if you're interested - lots of good info there.Thanks brother, the razor I have now is Gillette fusion and it's causing spots. I read online that it's because of the multiple blades, they tuck on the hairs causing irritation.
Something like that R89 Grande looks perfect for me.![]()
Definitely check out the Wet Shaving OT if you're interested - lots of good info there.
Man, that's beautiful. I still need to get a stand for my razor and brush.Well, the last two pieces of my set came in (Stand and soap) so my first wet shaving set is complete! Can't wait to give this a go tomorrow morning as I have a late start and should be able to take my time. The soap smells heavenly, so much better than crappy shaving gel in a can smells.
No worries! Hope it helps you as much as it helped me.Oh wow, that's a great thread. Thanks!![]()
You should definitely pick one up, they can be had for so cheap. I think I only paid around $20 for mine but there are cheaper out there.Man, that's beautiful. I still need to get a stand for my razor and brush.
Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen Never played the original as much as i should have. Traded the original towards this, to bring price down. Been playing Dark Arisen for a few hours now and i'm loving it.
Indiana Jones The Complete Adventures Three movies and a coaster.
Untouchable Been dying to see this for a while. Going to watch it tomorrow
Untouchable is amazing French acting at its best hope you enjoy it.
Blastoise is the next one up, followed by Venusaur.
Blastoise is up for preorder still - http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN981321/Act
$20 for the lot? Teach me your ways! I'd pay that for Chrono Trigger and Okami alone!
Me and my brother wanted to invest in a proper beard trimmer, so we split the cost of one. Wasn't too pricey and has many different heads. Detail shot:
Ordered these speakers because it has aux in. There's a constant buzzing coming from the left speaker however, and is constantly there even if they're or the computer is turned off... Don't know what to do about that. At least I got this with them:
Ordered this keyboard after seeing it in this thread. Feels real good and sturdy, really liking it so far!
Started off my wet shaving/safety razor collection.
Muhle R89 Grande Razor
Muhle Pure Badger Brush
and a sampler pack of 50 blades (most not pictured).
Looking forward to getting my soap and stand in next Monday so I can try this beast out.
Untouchable is amazing French acting at its best hope you enjoy it.
And my biggest recent purchase:
$350 soldering iron with hotswappable tips. I use one of these at work, they are an extremely reliable iron.
Decided to get a camera for my travels later this summer, since a DSLR can be really impractical. I always heard about the NEX series but had no idea they were such well specced cameras.
So I decided to go with Sony, and not jump back into the M4/3 pool.
Took it for my first test run today and it was a pleasure indeedi have the exact same razor and use the derby blades too - they are freaking great - god choice!
I got exactly those 2 ships the other day (for a gift).May the Fourth be with you...
I still need Soul Hackers. Getting behind on my Atlus titles :-( I know I'm rolling the dice. Still need to Person Golden, as well.
I haven't posted stuff in awhile. Here goes!!
The Q1, budget arcade stick from Qanba. Though the buttons and joystick are in-house Qanba made, they still feel extremely nice. Solid stick, despite being PS3 only.
Nice, what do you solder?
Yeah it mounts to the table with a large plastic screw. It secures nicely, but don't tighten to hard otherwise stick won't be level (maybe put pressure down as you tighten to the table). The clamps are detachable and easy to remove/applyWait! Is that... table-mounted? (at least it looks like that)
If so, does it work any good? I guess I'd be too afraid of damaging something - be it the clamps, the stick case or the table...
Wow! nice find and one of the rarest GB games.AAAAAAAW YEAAAAAAAH.
Look what I found. For six bucks.
Wow! nice find and one of the rarest GB games.