:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolSnakeswithLasers said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolSnakeswithLasers said:
I've slept about 30 mins in the last 36 hours, but fuck it. I'll be on. :lolph33nix said:I'll be up allll night tonight. Got a 6:55 AM flight so I'm taking an all nighter in!
SnakeswithLasers said:chel.jpg[IMG][/QUOTE]
Marvie_3 said:I've slept about 30 mins in the last 36 hours, but fuck it. I'll be on. :lol
Marvie_3 said:I'm just watching Charles in Charge on Netflix. I'm on whenever.
PICK A GOD DAMNED TEAM!!!!!BigJonsson said:Since I'm no longer in the Madden league, sure
Do I dare take the Leafs?
Or ask for the Caps or Pens or Sharks :lol
Marvie_3 said:PICK A GOD DAMNED TEAM!!!!!![]()
Depends on how many people we can get in. You can set it to play everyone else anywhere from 2-10 times. I figured somewhere between 30-50 games would be ideal.BigJonsson said:Capitals!
So, how long of a season are you aiming for?
It does indeed sir!BigJonsson said:NHL 10 has an online league mode?!?
Marvie_3 said:It does indeed sir!
:lolBigJonsson said:Just needs to keep track of wins/losses/Leafs losses and player stats
Doesn't look like it.BigJonsson said:Can you fantasy draft it?
This weekend would be the earliest it would start. I wanna see how many people we can get first.peterb0y said:marvie, when are you thinking about starting the league? It would be really helpful to me if we could wait until this weekend, when I'm back to my xbox/live account (but if everyone wants to start it sooner, don't hold back just for me). Secondly, if we're gonna wait a while to start the league, what do you guys think about a tournament, like the madden one a few weeks back, to get some practice? I honestly could use some, I felt ruuuuuuusty playing marvie last night, no one could get any offense going :lol
Marvie_3 said:Laserbot and I went 3-0 this afternoon so the Banhammers are back at .500!
Marvie_3 said:I'm thinking about setting up an online NHL league similar to the Madden league. Just curious how many people would be interested in it. There's a few people in already:
Anaheim - SnakesWithLasers
Calgary - Peterboy
Chicago - Marvie_3
Montreal - TheCardPlayer
Washington - BigJonsson
Let me know if you want in, and if we get enough people, I'll set up a seperate thread.
Then we went and fucked it up last night..... :lolSnakeswithLasers said:Man, we really had to fight to get that record back to even. Nice work this afternoon.
Marvie_3 said:Yeah, you play against everyone a set number of times. Top few teams go into playoff series.
I think whenever both you and your opponent are online.CrazedArabMan said:Are there certain times you have to be on or you just play whenever you feel like it?
Marvie_3 said:I need to really work harder at my positioning on the ice. I figured out that if I had an A+ in positioning, my grade would average out at an A-, giving me what I needed for my extra experience points. :\
Marvie_3 said:Thanks for getting us back to .500 today Laserbot & Hardyboy!![]()
Fuck. There goes my plan. :lolph33nix said:I actually don't think it's possible to average an A+ in positioning unless you get it for 150 straight or something. I got an A+ in positioning for like 30 straight games and it just wouldn't move past an A, I had to work harder on team play and stats instead :lol
sefskillz said:anyone want to play? i haven't played in forever, but im bored as shit tonight
I might be able to play later tonight.SnakeswithLasers said:Ya, that was quite a feat.![]()
I want to play later tonight if I get a chance and anyone is on.
Also, screw this damn rating crap. I can't keep a B+, much less an A-. I think the problem is that I quit out of a game yesterday afternoon because the other team was playing like douchebags. The only way to get your rating up is to not quit--but that fucks up all of your stats when you play glitchers.
You can also check the NHL10GAF gamertag's friends list to see who is online.sefskillz said:is there a general time people are playing or just hopping on and looking for someone? don't think i have anyone on my friends list except marvie
i'd be up for the league too, preds of course
peterb0y said:i'll probably be on tonite- gotta get some madden time in tho, my first madden game is tomorrow against pheenix:lol
ph33nix said:damn it play me tonight! i've been waiting for this game a long time :lol