You fuckers.
Well it'd be totally sweet if you were up and running and playing with us. NHL even. Marvie's been doing well with random people and Dong and I have our moments. I went from not scoring at all, to getting the OT winner, to scoring 4. YOU MUST RETURN TO US.SnakeswithLasers said:Mainly I just wanted the first post on a new page to be me saying, "You fuckers."
You guys are my only friends.
Edit: Also, splinter cell = poo.
i knew we were ur only fake friends :lolSnakeswithLasers said:You guys are my only friends. had me at poo. :*)SnakeswithLasers said:Mainly I just wanted the first post on a new page to be me saying, "You fuckers."
You guys are my only friends.
Edit: Also, splinter cell = poo.
I only have one more final tomorrow night(goodbye really hot asian professorlady). Then I'm off for a few weeks too.peterb0y said:laserbot, lets be real, we're your only internet friends- get another sexbox
also three days until im done with this bullshittt (aka school) and then its nhl every night for me, playoffs have my pumped up to chel
write your number on the final exam... with a to-scale diagram of your dickMarvie_3 had me at poo. :*)
I only have one more final tomorrow night(goodbye really hot asian professorlady). Then I'm off for a few weeks too.![]()
You try it first. If you don't get charged with anything then I'll try it.peterb0y said:write your number on the final exam... with a to-scale diagram of your dick
it could work
6....Nozdeuce said:Yaaaaay backup! The 3(4?) of us haven't played together in a while![]()
Gear down there Pontiac, just meant the 4 of us posting on this page. It's cool and fun playing with anyone.Marvie_3 said:6....
8 if you count Le Dong and Sanjuro.
Yeah, I tried to learn Chinese before. That lasted about 2 weeks. :lolSnakeswithLasers said:I keep forgetting you guys are in school.
I'm trying to teach myself .net; it's not going well because I get bored.
Rosetta Stone huh....she sounds hot.SnakeswithLasers said:Rosetta Stone is pretty rad for languages. Or at least for fucking around.
im between red dead, alan wake, and splinter cell... gonna buy one of thoseNozdeuce said:Gear down there Pontiac, just meant the 4 of us posting on this page. It's cool and fun playing with anyone.
I might be able to sucker Le Dong into getting Red Dead, it comes out towards the end of the Reach beta so his ADD should be flaring again. Peterrrrrboy you getting Red Dead Redemption too?
Splinter Cell was meh but i kinda liked coop, I'd vote Alan Wake for awesome single player or Red Dead for potentially amazing multi. I'm getting both because I'm a whorepeterb0y said:im between red dead, alan wake, and splinter cell... gonna buy one of those
REEEEEED DEEEEEEAAAADpeterb0y said:im between red dead, alan wake, and splinter cell... gonna buy one of those
I dunno man. TV is alright during hockey playoffs. But it's pretty shit otherwise. Except for Lost.Hardyboy1224 said:man laserbot your right were did all our friends go oh well at least i have t.v. and internet
TV is the worst, I'm slowly training my parents to turn it off after whatever god awful show they like to watch is over. on ps3 > everythingSnakeswithLasers said:I dunno man. TV is alright during hockey playoffs. But it's pretty shit otherwise. Except for Lost.Fuck you Marvie.
SnakeswithLasers said:I dunno man. TV is alright during hockey playoffs. But it's pretty shit otherwise. Except for Lost.Fuck you Marvie.
START IT OVER.Hardyboy1224 said:rock what am i going to do when lost ends
Get wrapped up in a good show for once? :lolHardyboy1224 said:rock what am i going to do when lost ends
Sorry, we can't all be Chachi experts.Marvie_3 said:Get wrapped up in a good show for once? :lol
True, but that doesn't mean you can't bask in my glory.SnakeswithLasers said:Sorry, we can't all be Chachi experts.
All over my face!Marvie_3 said:True, but that doesn't mean you can't bask in my glory.
SnakeswithLasers said:All over my face!
Marvie_3 said:Get wrapped up in a good show for once? :lol
An excellent choice! I use mine everydayHardyboy1224 said:i am thinking of getting an ps3
If you can get one cheap, go for it. I don't know how much they are now, but I use mine all the timeHardyboy1224 said:i am thinking of getting an ps3
Nozdeuce said:An excellent choice! I use mine everydayas a media player.
I actually use it a lot more now that I have Get to stream any out of market baseball game to my tv via ps3.
SnakeswithLasers said:If you can get one cheap, go for it. I don't know how much they are now, but I use mine all the time. But seriously, blu rays look awesome and it hasn't shit on my face 3 times (or has it been four?) like my 360. Also, Manabu has one, so you can play Uncharted with him.for a media player
If you do end up getting one, I'll bring you a stack of my old games to try out.
Edit: 299 for a new one. That's not bad. I wonder what the used ones go for now that the slim is out...
Hardyboy1224 said:i cant get dodgers games with in my area
canadians watch baseball?Nozdeuce said:Thankfully since I'm in Canada the only blackout issue I have is Jays games. I get to watch everything else
I and one other person I know do, yespeterb0y said:canadians watch baseball?
No, 99 bucks a year or 119 for the same + some extra playback options like fast forward/rewind and jazz. MLB/tv subscription info page if you poke around there's also a thing to check to see what games would be blacked out in your area (hint: whatever your local team is)SnakeswithLasers said:Is free?
Only if you consider the Jays baseball.peterb0y said:canadians watch baseball?
Can watch blacked out games LATER, i think your allowed like 90mins after the game ends or something. It works out well in my specific case since I only ever fire up Jays games using it for comic relief and will watch like an inning to see a meltdown. It is nice in that it has every game archived, I like to watch whatever and hop through a Red Sox game to watch Papelbon do amazing Papelbonian things.SnakeswithLasers said:Fuck that. $100 to not watch baseball games. That's too much of a waste even for me.
Jays baseball is amazingly entertaining, love the way Cito lets his pitchers "build character" by being sent out to die and never get yanked. Non stop hilarity inning after inning!Marvie_3 said:Only if you consider the Jays baseball.
Nozdeuce said:Thankfully since I'm in Canada the only blackout issue I have is Jays games. I get to watch everything else
peterb0y said:canadians watch baseball?
SnakeswithLasers said:Fuck that. $100 to not watch baseball games. That's too much of a waste even for me.
Nozdeuce said:Can watch blacked out games LATER, i think your allowed like 90mins after the game ends or something. It works out well in my specific case since I only ever fire up Jays games using it for comic relief and will watch like an inning to see a meltdown. It is nice in that it has every game archived, I like to watch whatever and hop through a Red Sox game to watch Papelbon do amazing Papelbonian things.
Word, lacrosse is decent too, and the Toronto team is named after Laserbot. Seriously, the Toronto RockHardyboy1224 said:yeah they only like sports where u hit something with a stick
Holy shit thats hilarious :lol I just watch because I think he sucks so its funny.Hardyboy1224 said:the red socks lick meercat scat,and this sums up papelbon's play
what the FUCK is that? I was about to go to sleep... I don't know if I can anymore, that things gonna haunt my dreamsHardyboy1224 said:the red socks lick meercat scat,and this sums up papelbon's play