Had to redo these because of the tiny pic debacle, but it gives me the chance to show what I got now too..... These were 20 dollars each....had to buy
I love the holidays!!
New? Where did you find Catherine for $20?
chiQ, Children of the Earth is amazing. Nice purchase.
Jehuty The anubis version came in today
Sick. I much prefer the V.2 color scheme.
Jehuty The anubis version came in today
Who released Star Driver a week early? Right Stuf?
Pickup post of the month by far. I lost my boxer last year and she'll never be replaced. She was the smartest dog I've ever owned with such an amazing personality. She thought she was a still a puppy right up to her last day (12 years old)![]()
Well the thread title does include Real Pics or BAN...so...
New Studio Ghibli Blu-rays
Tales from Earthsea, Ponyo & Howls Moving Castle (+ free Ponyo sticker book!)
And the whole collection just because
:lol that's hilarious
Pretty sure I remember someone (a mod) saying that hasn't been enforced. Maybe in the GAF history lesson thread... can't remember where exactly.
I NEED Howl's Moving Castle on blu-ray... where did you get it and how much?
Damn @ those prices! Can't afford it right now![]()
If you haven't already, you can pick up Laputa Castle in the Sky/My Neighbours the Yamadas from Amazon.co.uk or another UK retailer for cheap. Disney has pretty much already announced it's Blu Ray lineup for next year and hasn't said a thing about any Ghibli titles.
He was banned.
thanks, wonder why the US is taking so long to get them. Region-free i assume?
Region b, sucks cause I'm also interested.......
Just finished my November pick ups.
Picked these up thanks to AC hype. Monster men and Heart of Hush were OK, but Hush was great.
Just finished my November pick ups.
And with this record my life is complete.
The Region B Ghibli releases are DNR'd to hell and back, not really a suitable alternative.
Watching HOTD at the moment (really enjoying it!), just been through Sekirei. It was kinda funny, if not a little to much on the silly side and a little too anime for my taste. But I enjoyed it, picks up a lot halfway through.
Watching HOTD at the moment (really enjoying it!), just been through Sekirei. It was kinda funny, if not a little to much on the silly side and a little too anime for my taste. But I enjoyed it, picks up a lot halfway through.
Afeter Hush, I would recommend you getting the All-Star Batman and Robin comics.
It's unfinished and will probably never get finished but it's Lee's drawing and the "Goddamn Batman" (best design ever for the Joker).
I scrolled past this and thought I saw Batman leaning back with his legs spread wide open
Thanks, but I'm pretty much done with Batcomics for now. Only other one I'll be buying is Strange Appreciation which should come in a couple of weeks.
How in the world did you see that?!