Black Friday pickups. Not shown are a pair of Levi Commuters & a stack of comics (which includes Hawkeye #14):

-November 12
-November 15
-November 27 (for my brother's birthday)
Just raided Best Buy and Wal-Mart for these. $4 per DVD and $20 for each GOT,not too bad!
Last pickup for the month, traded away some PS1 stuff to a friend for this:
Still sealed?!
Still sealed?!
Can't post a photo of it obviously, but I've got another awesome pick up this week.
After seven years of hell in retail and two months of unemployment, I start work placement next week with an IT firm with a pretty good chance of a permanent position there
Yesssss, no more retail!
Yeah, that's really cool, I'm surprised I've never seen anybody else take a picture of it before. I love how all the special bundles have a unique style "U" on the back.![]()
Love the artwork on the back of box.
Thrift shop pick up today. .99c each. even the boxed ones with manuals and maps!
Highlights, FF II, Zelda LTTP, All Stars, DKC 1-3
Grats. Why can't any of my local thrift shops sells boxed copies for $.99? :O
This month was pretty fucking great.
Found a meh condition Einhander for $9 today, I've been on the lookout for it cheap for years and finally got it.
Love the artwork on the back of box.
Spent way more money than I expected to this month, but oh well. Was contemplating on picking up Super Mario 3D World, but I think that can wait till Christmas. Totally didn't expect to get the Fourth Expansion for CaH tonight, but Amazon somehow got it to me in less than a day. A buddy and I randomly decided to try out Magic, we're pretty terrible at it.
Are we starting a December thread? I got stuffs![]()
Goodbye November. You were good.
December is here:
Thought I'd finally post a pick up. This is some retro goodness I picked up at a car boot sale on the weekend.
$5 Aussie dollars each. That's right, Silent Hill 2, the original PS2 2 disc set, for 5 bucks! (Missing the sticker, but oh well.)