Yes Boss! said:Otomedius
Don't suppose that's region free, there?
Yes Boss! said:Otomedius
Android18a said:Don't suppose that's region free, there?
_dementia said:
Zyzyxxz said:WTF, I knew some GAFfers were rich but damn!
Please tell me your secret!
Matrix said:
.hacked said:
marwan said:Sonic Unleashed is out? how is it? that's like my last hope with the Sonic series.
.hacked said:got it from Amazon today, only got to play 3 lvls but it is much better then the last Sonic game. Good graphics and just feels right (not broken like the last one).
Does that do the whole wine glass type deal? i.e. bring out the flavors more somehow? Not at all sure how that crap works, good to know though.Yes Boss! said:It is definitely my favorite IPA. I don't even really find it strong anymore and I'm hoping they make it stronger. I'm heading to the Brewery next month (about an hour away) and I'm keen to try it on tap.
Btw, I poured it off in Duvel glass and it was even tastier.
ergo said:Does that do the whole wine glass type deal? i.e. bring out the flavors more somehow? Not at all sure how that crap works, good to know though.
Strider2K99 said:![]()
Sorry for blur.
DVDs/Blu-ray from DeepDiscount sale. Also got Batman: Mask of the Phantasm coming in. Low on cash, so didn't order much. KoF also from DD. Fire Emblem: PoR was received from Goozex.
That is going to be a good ass xmas gift to yourself. Glad to hear a brewery still has tours. I've heard of a lot of them closed down.Yes Boss! said:For sure it helps the flavor but no snobbery involved...I used the goblet for practical purposes: to retain the thick IPA head. What really makes Ruination taste better is to just let it warm up a bit.
Been meaning to go to the new Brewery for over a year. Gonna finally do it this Christmas.
MarkMan said:Went on an adventure tonight...
Alpha_eX said:Nice pick up MarkMan, what exactly is Theresia and where did you get the soundtrack with Chrono Trigger?
Alpha_eX said:Nice pick up MarkMan, what exactly is Theresia and where did you get the soundtrack with Chrono Trigger?
Alpha_eX said:Nice pick up MarkMan, what exactly is Theresia and where did you get the soundtrack with Chrono Trigger?
Just got back from Japan, didn't buy much.
Raife said:What is the Power Rangers looking game? I remeber seeing something on GAF about it but forgot.
Alpha_eX said:Exclamation Warriros, it's a club nintendo exclusive, multiplayer scrolling beat 'em up where you have to shout the attacks into the DS mic. Not tried it yet as it's multiplayer only.
RadioHeadAche said:That actually sounds like a lot of fun.
Yes Boss! said:I know! It is the only Club game I don't have but I neither speak Japanese nor have friends with a DS who would be interested.
I might still buy it as it routinely appears on eBay for about $15.
Yes Boss! said:
JPBrowncoat said:![]()
Also got Left 4 Dead on Steam. Animal Crossing was also bundled with Wii Speak. Love this time of the year.
marwan said:why is Dead Space in a bluray movie cover?
Guru Logic Champ? ME WANT!Alpha_eX said:
zmet said:![]()
Chrono Trigger (new with bonus CD) - DS
RadioHeadAche said:Is the cd in a jewel case with a paper sleeve, or is the case cardboard?