My new Panasonic TC-L42ET5 - 1080p - 120hz - 3D - LED HDTV
Two art books just arrived:
You can see the compression on the HUD, it's a video.please explain
please explain
Picked up a 32" Sony Wega TV and Stand off of Craigslist.
The only way to play non HD games. I absolutely love it. Totally worth moving the heavy bastard.
Also got another SNES game:
Yay finally jumped in to the current handheld generation. I thought I was going to get a 3DS first, but this was a decent price so I got a PSV! Time to play some Gravity Rush.
Oh yeah this was at Sam's Club by the way. You can check the webpage and see if any stores in your area have it at the clearanced price and try your luck!
Only bad thing about this is that now I won't feel right buying a 3DS XL until it's around $60.
Neat! Where did you get this? And if you've tried it on, is it relatively comfortable and is the strap adjustable?
I don´t mean to rain on your parade or anything, but doesn´t that SCIV look odd? I don´t think early SNES carts were made in Mexico (I recall seeing the first ones around 1994-1995), or that they came with the redesigned plastic front, maybe it got reprinted later in the systems life? Hopefuly you got a legit cart and my suspicions are off. This is how I remember the SCIV carts looking.
Good to see my fears put to rest about your cart CoachKevin. Didn´t know SCIV was remanufactured under new standards!
Drunk impulse buy fueled by my unhealthy love of Leon. Its an online knockoff but it is actually pretty nice. Also picked up a pair of PAX three day passes and booked a hotel in Boston.
Drunk impulse buy fueled by my unhealthy love of Leon. Its an online knockoff but it is actually pretty nice. Also picked up a pair of PAX three day passes and booked a hotel in Boston.
That's a badass jacket, and I'm feeling drunk and impulsive. Where did you order it?
What does the material feel like?
I still want to know where I can buy a Vita for 100$!
The deal was at Sam's Club. It's YMMV though so you might not having luck finding the deal since each Sam's handles clearance items on their specific store. I checked at mine last night and the bundle was still for $289. Oh well, I will just wait until the AssCreed Vita bundle comes out to get that.
Why can't I have Trader Joe's in my state? :weeps: