My PS4 is ready.
Please do a speed comparison video when PS4 launches! Are you in the US?
My PS4 is ready.
I'm enjoying it. Once you get used to how the controls work (and it takes a while to get used to holding R), it plays well and has a good balance between platforming and speed.Just played it for two hours. It's not as bad as the reviewers are making it out to be. Seriously.
Behold, the most 90s thing ever, right down to the flame stickers.
20 pounds (and that's without the 10(!) D batteries needed for portable use) 50 watts, drum pad, scratch jog, mic/guitar inputs...this thing is insanity in un-portable stereo form. God bless you, JVC (and the Craigslist guy who sold me it for almost nothing).
Those Everclear tapes must sound great on that thing.
MAN! NA Club has the woooooorst "rewards".couple of more things I got
MAN! NA Club has the woooooorst "rewards".![]()
Treated myself to a new TV.
WTF is that ? A replica of a MK trophy ? Can you post pics of it unpacked please ?
Club Nintendo reward:
Had this in my backlog for far too long.
It's made me rediscover just how much I love the GBA micro, too. Zero Mission is next!
and holy crap @ eXistor's stuff, yeah...man our CN sucks. where'd you get the classic DK & Mario 3 stuff in the background, are those decals or what?
Full Trophy:
My first Kickstarter-backed thing came through - The Black Torch comic anthology (+ lots of goodies like postcards, stickers, a pin and a bookmark, not pictured).
Also a nifty Adventure Time shirt that Ript featured last week, and POP Vinyl Skeletor and Hordak figures.
Yeah these are amazing wish NA would get their head on straight the rest of the world has these.
Received mine MK7 Lightning Trophy too a couple of days ago.
Screw this I'm moving to EU
Had this in my backlog for far too long.
It's made me rediscover just how much I love the GBA micro, too. Zero Mission is next!
With the rest of the family:
I always wondered, is the physical English translation of Mother 3 technically illegal? Like, was it illegal for whoever made it (was it the mother 3 translation gang like tomato or nintendoage?) to sell it or what? I always assumed it wasn't because they never seemed to get in trouble for it, but then again, why would it be legal?
That said, I own a cartridge myself. I've long since replaced the awful label that it came with, though.
They are all gone, including the latest Lightning Trophy. I'm happy I ordered it rightaway when it was available. Nintendo made 2592 Lightning Trophies. Mine is no.598. But it did state 2013K on the box and underneath the trophy stand. It's possible Nintendo will make a new batch in the near future.
Badass. I have the translated Mother 3 cart as well, but where did you get it boxed?
The translation itself isn't illegal. The selling of the game is, and the selling of someone else's work (which is common with repro makers) is generally a dick move.
That said, I own a cartridge myself. I've long since replaced the awful label that it came with, though.
Received mine MK7 Lightning Trophy too a couple of days ago.
How much did that nene run?
Wow, I remember buying these when they first came out. Now I feel old.Made out like a bandit at a comic sale.
Comics were 3/$1, Infinity War I splurged on for $20.