I think its about time I offer to this thread

I did take these pictures with an iPod touch, so probably wont be good quality, but you should be able to see what it is hopefully.
From getting KH1.5, I had a real yearning to play BBS again, and I wondered why I never got special editions of KH games as I feel they are probably my favourite games, so I managed to find BBS SE cheap somewhere

. Also picked up a cheap PSP 2000, I sold my PSP 1000 when I wanted a vita back then, the 2000 is better than I expected!
I got my Lightning Cup Trophy yesterday my collection is going pretty good! Whether I will get enough points for the Banana cup (Or make another cooler trophy) in time is enough question however.
Got my Windwaker a day late unfortunately, but I got a free keyring!!! (I actually quite like the keyring and was busy with KH1.5 at the time anyway, so not so bad)
Something I yearned to play again after getting SFxT on vita from PS+. Just reminded me how much I enjoyed UMVC3.
Lastly this come today! Hoping I'll enjoy it just as much as Heavy Rain, if not more!
I would have also posted Pokemon Y as I was expecting today, but hasnt arrived, so hopefully tomorrow!