semiregular said:Finally, the Japanese version
English subs? Ending roll credits restored?
semiregular said:Finally, the Japanese version
MidnightScott said:So is it good? I'm really interested in it...
soultron said:Natsume distro curse?
semiregular said:Finally, the Japanese version
Spike said:English subs? Ending roll credits restored?
Haeleos said:That Okami stuff is phenomenal looking. It comes with the soundtrack?
semiregular said:No for English subs but Yes for ending credits I believe.
.hacked said:I fuking hate that they changed the boxes, ruins the whole look if you have a sizable collection.
jaydogg691 said:Picked-up Uncharted 2. Something looks off.
I don't know if I'll get use to the new PS3 box covers.
jaydogg691 said:Picked-up Uncharted 2. Something looks off.
I don't know if I'll get use to the new PS3 box covers.
How is Jump!? I've been tempted to buy it.JEKKI said:mo MURDA mo MUR come come again!!
mother freakin demons souls FINALLY comes in after taking a nationwide road trip courtesy of and the us postal service
we thuggish ruggish demons ALWAYS! always!
and ready to bring the war to your way!
look into my souls and tell me what it is you see
(could u look into my eyes?)
look into my souls and tell me what it is you see
(could u tell me what u see?)
I promise the shyt is legit.practice02 said:How is Jump!? I've been tempted to buy it.
Wormdundee said:Seriously? You guys actually care that there's a black thing that says PS3 on it instead of a red thing says PS3 on it? It's a fucking game box for god's sake, you're not hanging it on your wall or something.
Kintaro said:New boxes look much better. The random red in the spine was always an eyesore, not to mention the way "PS3" was written was tacky.
Solo said:I dont think anyone is arguing that the older design was better - it wasnt. Rather, I think people just hate how it fucks up the spines now.
VOOK said:Holy shit I want that blob.
.hacked said:If it didn't matter then why would they have bothered to change it in the 1st place?.
Solo said:Is UC2 the first title with the new spine?
I would actually love to see this.Dynamic3 said:We should start a thread where we scan the old covers full qual, then pshop in the new banner so other cats can print them out and have nice, uniform, collection. Unfortunately I'm a junior.
Kintaro said:New boxes look much better. The random red in the spine was always an eyesore, not to mention the way "PS3" was written was tacky.
How is euro spine with new boxstyle?mr_toa said:[IG][/IM]
Good stuff (hopefully)
Paulathon said:[IMG]
Thanks Robert![/QUOTE]
I love that CD. It's really damn good.
neoism said:[IMG]
Keep drinking the awesome! I also find it funny that you have this with Demon's Souls in the shot. You do need your strength to play it :lol
Dynamic3 said:We should start a thread where we scan the old covers full qual, then pshop in the new banner so other cats can print them out and have nice, uniform, collection. Unfortunately I'm a junior.
Yazuka said:I would actually love to see this.
Liking the fangamer man! I recently purchased this shirt, and am pretty happy with it.vocelcius said:Got this in the mail today: