Yeah that's fair. I wonder how many people will be willing to grab their own numbers. I guess we can try though.
Do either of you want to make a new thread for March?
I'm trying to PM Rtbeoh first.
Yeah that's fair. I wonder how many people will be willing to grab their own numbers. I guess we can try though.
Do either of you want to make a new thread for March?
So Joni are you going to be the one making the March thread?
So I have been looking around for some API:
I have learned one thing: I should have paid more attention in school to learn this stuff.
Great. I'm hoping to look in a possible java solution but I still need to finish three reviews.Thanks.
I can have a look at it to see what's up
So I have been looking around for some API:
I have learned one thing: I should have paid more attention in school to learn this stuff.
Platinum #37 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Platinum #38 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Platinum #39 - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
I had never played any of these games before and I really enjoyed them. Crushing could be annoying in some places, but overall it wasn't bad. It was really nice not having any multiplayer trophies.
I've been working on Kingdom Hearts 2 Final mix at the moment. Most of the hard stuff is over with.. I pretty much just have the gummi missions and my critical playthrough to go.
Platinum #37 - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Platinum #38 - Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Platinum #39 - Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
I had never played any of these games before and I really enjoyed them. Crushing could be annoying in some places, but overall it wasn't bad. It was really nice not having any multiplayer trophies.
I've been working on Kingdom Hearts 2 Final mix at the moment. Most of the hard stuff is over with.. I pretty much just have the gummi missions and my critical playthrough to go.
Well if he got banned we can definitely go ahead with a new thread.The OP got so frustrated that there's been no new trophy thread since December he got banned.Oh no...I wonder what happened?
Well if he got banned we can definitely go ahead with a new thread.
He wasn't going to make a new one in any case.
The OP got so frustrated that there's been no new trophy thread since December he got banned.Oh no...I wonder what happened?
Plat 132- Dark Souls
Completed the hatrick! Bloodborne, Demon Souls and now Dark Souls in row. I had planned to do Dark Souls 2 next but I'm not sure now as I'm a little burned out on the souls games :/, maybe I'll play a lego game or something next as a nice palette cleanser. Or even better Ape Escape PS2onPS4 will appear![]()
You also have Dark Souls III next month right?
So I have been looking around for some API:
I have learned one thing: I should have paid more attention in school to learn this stuff.
I know a couple of others have already put their names in but I'm going to take a look at this too. Be nice to have a side project.
Edit: had a quick once-over. Should be pretty easy to make a system to spit out the points per month for each person. I'll get started on something next week, can hopefully have something finished for the start of April unless someone else wants to jump in and get it done?
Edit2: Only if there is enough interest for me to spend time doing the threads, at least ;P
Of course, and with the right level of automation that work should be fairly limited.Edit2: Only if there is enough interest for me to spend time doing the threads, at least ;P
Anyone picked up some soon-to-be-plats from the Easter Sale?
I snagged GTA San Andreas, after platting GTA3 and Vice City a few months ago it'll be good to complete the set. I also got Walking Dead Season1 and Tales from the Borderlands which I've heard nothing but good stuff and from my time with the first Ep it seems great. I'm thinking about maybe Rogue Galaxy too, not sure though :/.
Anyone picked up some soon-to-be-plats from the Easter Sale?
I snagged GTA San Andreas, after platting GTA3 and Vice City a few months ago it'll be good to complete the set. I also got Walking Dead Season1 and Tales from the Borderlands which I've heard nothing but good stuff and from my time with the first Ep it seems great. I'm thinking about maybe Rogue Galaxy too, not sure though :/.
I'm planning on picking up all those PS2 games with a Platinum, but I'm waiting for the weekend, let's see if SCEA is doing a flash sale.
There's a Easter sale? I'm still burned they sold all the GTA PS2 remasters for $15 only for a few weeks after sell all 3 for $17. That was dirty.
Platinum #40 - Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
I really, really enjoyed this one. I had played KH1 (which I platinumed earlier this year) a little when I was younger, but this one was completely new. The combat was great, the pace was great, even the gummi missions were fun this time around. The only part that really gave me trouble was Lingering Will and some of the data battles.
I was thinking about jumping right into Chain of Memories, but I'm going to give myself a kingdom hearts break. Just started Ni No Kuni so I'm hoping that will be the next platinum.
Platinum #40 - Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
I really, really enjoyed this one. I had played KH1 (which I platinumed earlier this year) a little when I was younger, but this one was completely new. The combat was great, the pace was great, even the gummi missions were fun this time around. The only part that really gave me trouble was Lingering Will and some of the data battles.
I was thinking about jumping right into Chain of Memories, but I'm going to give myself a kingdom hearts break. Just started Ni No Kuni so I'm hoping that will be the next platinum.
ive been thinking about playing Kingdom Hearts, how long does the plat take, is it hard?
* @author JoniP
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
public class TrophyCount {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args)
Integer trophyResult = GetTrophyCount("JoniP");
private static int GetTrophyCount(String userName)
String website = "" + userName;
Elements websiteElements;
Integer trophyResult = 0;
Integer bronzeTrophy = 0;
Integer silverTrophy = 0;
Integer goldTrophy = 0;
Integer platinumTrophy = 0;
Document websitePage = Jsoup.connect(website).get();
websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("bronze");
for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements)
String bronzeTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text();
bronzeTrophy = Integer.parseInt(bronzeTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 15;
websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("silver");
for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements)
String silverTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text();
silverTrophy = Integer.parseInt(silverTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 30;
websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("gold");
for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements)
String goldTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text();
goldTrophy = Integer.parseInt(goldTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 90;
websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("platinum");
for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements)
String platinumTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text();
platinumTrophy = Integer.parseInt(platinumTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 180;
catch (IOException e)
trophyResult = bronzeTrophy + silverTrophy + goldTrophy + platinumTrophy;
return trophyResult;
The following retrieves the trophy count for someone. It just means I have to figure out how to get this integrated into Excel. (Aka for Java to open Excel, loop them, read cells and write them away). That is a bit tricky because I don't actually have Excel on an home computer. Wonder if that will work with OpenOffice.
ive been thinking about playing Kingdom Hearts, how long does the plat take, is it hard?
The bolded is a little complicated IIRC. I think many profiles should update automatically every 24 hours...but some have a longer auto update time, and I think there's some kind of priority based on how often the profile is viewed and/or when they last got a trophyI always though the problem was with getting the monthly counts, as that requires (as far as I know) either parsing the graph on the statistic page or reading the trophy log. Moreover, some profiles might have been last updated a while ago, so the information on PSNProfiles might be out of date. And, as far as I know, you cannot update a profile on PSNProfiles via a script.
The problem is you would have to do that at the start of the month for everyone to get a baseline. Somehow PSN profiles is checking profiles and then reading time stamps on trophies and organizing based off that. We would need to tap directly into the PSN database with an API or something to do the same or have someone at PSN profiles to help us link into their graphing system.The following retrieves the trophy count for someone. It just means I have to figure out how to get this integrated into Excel. (Aka for Java to open Excel, loop them, read cells and write them away). That is a bit tricky because I don't actually have Excel on an home computer. Wonder if that will work with OpenOffice.
Code:/** * @author JoniP * * */ import; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; public class TrophyCount { /** * */ /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // OPEN EXCEL // RUN THROUGH EXCEL Integer trophyResult = GetTrophyCount("JoniP"); System.out.println(trophyResult); } private static int GetTrophyCount(String userName) { String website = "" + userName; Elements websiteElements; Integer trophyResult = 0; Integer bronzeTrophy = 0; Integer silverTrophy = 0; Integer goldTrophy = 0; Integer platinumTrophy = 0; try { Document websitePage = Jsoup.connect(website).get(); websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("bronze"); for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements) { String bronzeTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text(); bronzeTrophy = Integer.parseInt(bronzeTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 15; break; } websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("silver"); for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements) { String silverTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text(); silverTrophy = Integer.parseInt(silverTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 30; break; } websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("gold"); for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements) { String goldTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text(); goldTrophy = Integer.parseInt(goldTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 90; break; } websiteElements = websitePage.getElementsByClass("platinum"); for(Element websiteElement : websiteElements) { String platinumTrophyCount = websiteElement.getElementsByClass("typo-top").text(); platinumTrophy = Integer.parseInt(platinumTrophyCount.replaceAll(",","")) * 180; break; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } trophyResult = bronzeTrophy + silverTrophy + goldTrophy + platinumTrophy; return trophyResult; } }
The problem is you would have to do that at the start of the month for everyone to get a baseline.
I always though the problem was with getting the monthly counts, as that requires (as far as I know) either parsing the graph on the statistic page or reading the trophy log.
I posted the links to some API examples a bit earlier in the topic, but they have a bigger risk of becoming outdated, they are more tricky to get to work and you'd have to recalculate the entire set every month.Somehow PSN profiles is checking profiles and then reading time stamps on trophies and organizing based off that. We would need to tap directly into the PSN database with an API or something to do the same or have someone at PSN profiles to help us link into their graphing system.
Those would be pointless profiles anyway, it would be mostly profiles that haven't received Trophies in ages which means they'd be useless for tracking.Moreover, some profiles might have been last updated a while ago, so the information on PSNProfiles might be out of date.
That would be no issue, the topic is supposed to be monthly so it is just a matter of running it around the same time every month. It would skip all the trouble with tying into the database, as we are usually not interested in months before the previous month. The monthly count would simply be calculated by getting the difference of the current month and the last month, which would be incredibly easy on Excel. So what would be the advantage?
The biggest issue is that the current OP doesn't provide a baseline.
Those would be pointless profiles anyway, it would be mostly profiles that haven't received Trophies in ages which means they'd be useless for tracking.