yay it came finally
SNES:Rock N' Roll Racing (had to settle for loose cart)
I am a full time student. Luckily I had a summer job. 16 weeks of full time allowed a decent amount of cash to spend $1600 on a computer. Ha.
Nice autograph!
How do you like Poster Art of the Disney Parks? I always liked their attraction posters. I'm going to Disney World next week so I'll have to look through the book there (and of course come home and buy it for half the price on Amazon!)
The Sega Blast City is in the house. Now that I confirmed it works I have to clean it up
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. MOAR. *gobbles up more SNES games*
I've spent a few months searching craigslist within ~200 miles of me, in addition to calling every vending company I can find in my radius as well.
So I must ask, where did you get this, and what did you end up paying?
I've seen a company out of Utah that seems to consistently have them on eBay but they're trying to get $1000 a cabinet and putting me in charge of shipping ontop of it.
I want a candy cabinet but I don't want to drop a g bar. Share your guidance and wisdom!
Nice cabinet by the way. /jelly
Finally my PC is complete !
Got this today, arrived in blazingly fast 3 days from shopto :O (UK-Latvia), fastest ever was like 4-5 days minimum.
Which brings to the total Retail vita titles i got atm <3
I found the seller from Neo-Geo forums. A lot of guys buy containers of cabs from China and sell them on the west coast. Just a warning, I have heard no so good things about the guy selling the $1000+ cabs on ebay... Really dirty cabs.
I was in for $1200 after shipping. You get what you pay for. I have three candy cabs now and would rather have those then 9 different machines like I use to.
I found the seller from Neo-Geo forums. A lot of guys buy containers of cabs from China and sell them on the west coast. Just a warning, I have heard no so good things about the guy selling the $1000+ cabs on ebay... Really dirty cabs.
I was in for $1200 after shipping. You get what you pay for. I have three candy cabs now and would rather have those then 9 different machines like I use to.
I paid $65. A fellow GAF'er was selling it in the Buy/Sell/Trade thread.
Yes, it is real.
That poster is amazing!
How much was it?
I've spent a few months searching craigslist within ~200 miles of me, in addition to calling every vending company I can find in my radius as well.
So I must ask, where did you get this, and what did you end up paying?
I've seen a company out of Utah that seems to consistently have them on eBay but they're trying to get $1000 a cabinet and putting me in charge of shipping ontop of it.
I want a candy cabinet but I don't want to drop a g bar. Share your guidance and wisdom!
Nice cabinet by the way. /jelly
Another poster, and it's a doozy:
Another poster, and it's a doozy:
Last two posts,yeah!
Nice you got the version with DLC. This game is BETTER than Futari, btw.
Coach Kevin,
Push those candies together. No need for space!
Need a New Astro now. Just sayin'.
Also, convergence is a big issue with tri-sync. Don't go by the grid, go by the game image.
Both of you guys need to spot me an Astro. I don't even have one.
Anyway, yeah, I'm excited to check out Mushi. 1CCed Futari and loved the thing, and while I had the shitty PS2 port of Mushi, I only played it like once or twice, so this is pretty much a totally new experience for me.
got a spike spiegel decal for my land cruiser
Last two posts,yeah!
Nice you got the version with DLC. This game is BETTER than Futari, btw.
Coach Kevin,
Push those candies together. No need for space!
Need a New Astro now. Just sayin'.
Also, convergence is a big issue with tri-sync. Don't go by the grid, go by the game image.
I will make them a little closer, but last weekend when we had 4 people on two of the machines we had to separate them a little.
And yeah, the convergence thing is kind of a pain, hopefully I can fix it down the road. I can live with it for now.
Do you have a picture of your lineup? What are you playing?
Candies are in storage in San Diego. I've got a New Astro, Egret 3 (bah, sexy cab like a Blast, but certainly no Egret 2), and an old beater SNK cab that is trashed but has a nice rotatable Nanao monitor like an Egret 2...fixer-upper which I wanna make a Saturn cab. Also a stand alone Neiman minitor, a couple of broadcast monitors for Tate play...one from europe, the other from california (Sony). Altogether a nice gameroom setup but I'm still looking for a japanese metal Neo Geo four-slot and an Egret 2 for completion. Slumming it with a Supergun for now (in bavaria) since I'm in europe. Moving to Washinghton DC in fall and gonna work hard to complete my cab collection. Also want a clean MVS US wooden cab with four slots and the OG games (Magician, Nam, etc). I'll try on the East but I'll just likely pick up in the West, since the parents live there, and it is fairly easy to get...simply drive with a truck.
My stick collection is held hostsge in a few locations...should have all of those by next year. Love cabs but sticks are my favorites.
Outta curiosity, Yes Broski, when are you finally going to get to put your entire collection in one amazing place?
Road Rash and PC Genjin 3
PS3 collections galore, Mario goes monopoly, and the saga of dragons continue....
Ratchet & Clank Collection (PS3)
Journey: Collector's Edition (PS3)