Gillian Seed
New Controller[IMG]
Hauppauge HD PVR 2 Gaming Edition Plus
Cheap new 360, just to have one of the couch setup as well.
External HDD, old one is getting full.
WHOW! Nice pickups, man! Looking forward to your streaming/vids (hope you still have that Titan ;) ).
I chose to give myself a birthday gift. A Sega CDX. It was not cheap, go ahead and check the eBay prices. But it IS awesome. I've always wanted this thing for some reason, and now that I have it, I gotta say, it's pretty terrific. Also, very small. Which is a good thing. Genesis was actually my first video game console, but now I'm really going to start collecting some of the classics I missed.
Congrats! The CDX is my favorite Genesis- it's so tiny! Did it come with an original power supply too? Those in themselves can be pricey if you ever need to replace them, though recently a good third-party one came out. Don't use a Model 2 or PS2 supply, they'll damage it over time.
Also, pray it never ever breaks, as it's a pain to open and work with. Other than that, enjoy an awesome piece of engineering!
So with the arrival of the Wonderful 101 and Conception 2 today I thought I'd get a picture of my past 2 months worth of purchases.
Far too many games and not enough time to play them, but so is the life of the importer. Don't get it on release and miss outI haven't even started M&L or Etrian Oddesy yet and I got those a month ago haha
Then, on the way home from GameStop, it's customary for the lady and I to stop at Goodwill, to check for interesting stuff for the game room. I overheard a guy say something like "oh, I think it's a little Nintendo, or something" I rushed over, and he put this down on the shelf. Marked at $3.99...
Got this one from a GAF member for fairly cheap (and when I mean cheap, I mean $50)
but seriously sweet find....lucky bastard
Lego - after seventeen years - has once again found a way to make me poor.
There are English subsIs SUBs available ?
Lego - after seventeen years - has once again found a way to make me poor.
*hides wallet and cancels credit card
Nice. Too bad I needed a laptop for school last year, I wish I could've bought the 2013 model. The battery of mine is still in great condition, but 12 hours on the new one, wow. Must be awesome.![]()
Macbook Air 13" Mid 2013
1.7GHz Intel Dual-Core Core i7
256GB Flash Storage
Then, on the way home from GameStop, it's customary for the lady and I to stop at Goodwill, to check for interesting stuff for the game room. I overheard a guy say something like "oh, I think it's a little Nintendo, or something" I rushed over, and he put this down on the shelf. Marked at $3.99...
Those are my pickups from my recent trip to NYC
Lego - after seventeen years - has once again found a way to make me poor.
*hides wallet and cancels credit card
Don't forget to check out the $320 version:
Don't forget to check out the $320 version:
MVS cab upgraded to unibios also not shown inside I also dropped in the atomiswave wave board I purchased last month.
Famitsu w/ Sega Encyclopedia (thanks Pylon) and an XL in perfect condition for $129...couldn't pass up
Don't forget to check out the $320 version: