This is a thread dedicated to voting for the best soundtracks in anime. This covers all years so if there is an OST from 1974 that you want to vote for, then you're in the right place. In addition, there'll be voting on the best composers and songs in anime. As far as I'm aware, the forum has never done this before so bare with me if there any hiccups.
Best Anime OST of All Time- Top Fifteen
Best Anime Composer - Top Three
Best Anime Song - Top Three
Anything goes in terms of OVAs/Movies/Shorts/TV Series. There is no restriction in terms of airing date. To note, this voting process does not include Western produced works or shows where the primary airing audience is Western, so Avatar and Korra are out. So it just has to be an anime.
For the composer section, the individual has to have composed for an anime. Similar restriction on the best song category in that the song has to have been in an anime.
1) Every poster has the option to make a maximum of three separate lists, one for each category.
2) There is no minimum requirement for any of the three lists and there is no obligation to vote in all three categories.
3) For every list in the "Best Anime OST of All Time" category, a number of points for each nomination will be determined by the total number of nominations in that specific list. For example if a list has 15 nominations then their number 1 pick will receive 15 points. However if a list has 7 nominations then for that individual, their number 1 pick will receive only 7 points.
4) Rule 2 does not apply to the "Best Composer" and "Best Song" category. Instead the 1st pick receives a value of 3 points, the 2nd pick a value of 2 points, and the 3rd pick a value of 1 point.
5) You can vote for a franchise instead of a particular work inside that franchise. For example, you can have a nomination be "Ghost in the Shell Franchise" instead of specifying the OVAs or TV series. When tallying the votes up that, that vote would go towards the franchise rather than a particular work. Vice-versa, you can specify your vote to only include a particular work inside a franchise. On the results page, there will be a breakdown of votes going towards specified works inside a franchise.
6) Lists without a numbering system will be taken at face value and ranked in descending order starting with 1 at the top.
7) Lists are open to editing until the deadline passes.
8) Do not write names in Kanji or Hiragana.
-Voting will end on 00:00 UTC April 26th, 2015.
UPDATE: Extended till 3 AM EST on May 24,2015
Voting Template:
-Best Anime OST of All Time
1. Franchise A: Opinion on Franchise A.
2. Franchise B: Opinion on Franchise B.
3. Franchise C: Opinion on Franchise C.
4. Franchise D: Opinion on Franchise D.
5. Franchise E: Opinion on Franchise E.
6. Franchise F: Opinion on Franchise F.
7. Franchise G: Opinion on Franchise G.
8. Franchise H: Opinion on Franchise H.
9. Franchise I: Opinion on Franchise I.
10. Franchise J: Opinion on Franchise J.
11. Franchise K: Opinion on Franchise K.
12. Franchise L: Opinion on Franchise L.
13. Franchise M: Opinion on Franchise M.
14. Franchise N: Opinion on Franchise N.
15. Franchise O: Opinion on Franchise O.
-Best Composer
1. Composer A: Your opinion on Composer A.
2. Composer B: Your opinion on Composer B.
3. Composer C: Your opinion on Composer C.
-Best Song
1. Song A: Your opinion on Song A.
2. Song B: Your opinion on Song B.
3. Song C: Your opinion on Song C.
General Comments:
1) For names of shows, try to use the name found in Wikipedia or a streaming service. Do not use abbreviations or nicknames for clarity purposes.
2) Discussion is highly encouraged. If there is a song you want to link to, please do so although by aware of the possibility of errors or dead videos due to things such as copyright claims. This whole process is meant to be informative and examples go a long way in being persuasive.
3) "Honorable Mentions" subsections are allowed but they need to be clearly noted and separated.
4) For Opening and Ending songs, I would say not to consider them as part of the OST unless they are used as a lead-in, lead-out (such as Roundabout with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure), or as an insert song. Obviously there is no hard rule prohibiting this though. If there is a theme song that you would like to highlight or note, please put that into the "Best Song" category.
5) Please specify if you want a vote going towards a specific work such as "Gundam Unicorn" otherwise entries left in the format "Mobile Suit Gundam" will be interpreted as franchise votes.
6) My best advice for finding and listening to an old OST would be simply searching Youtube.
Starter List:
Please note that I am not inherently recommending these works but rather due to how many works and years this voting process covers, I am supplying this list for people as either a refresher or general jumping-in point. I am sure there are soundtracks that are just as good if not better than some of the names provided below.
Armored Trooper Votoms
Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad
Big O
Code Geass
Cowboy Bebop
Darker than Black
Death Note
Dennou Coil
Eden of the East
Eureka 7
Fate/Stay Night
Fooly Cooly
Full Metal Panic
Fullmetal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell Brotherhood
Stand Alone Complex
Giant RoboStand Alone Complex
Guilty Crown
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Kimagure Orange Road
Lupin the Third
Superdimensional Fortress Macross
Macross Frontier
Madoka MagicaMacross Frontier
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Michiko to Hatchin
Mobile Suit Gundam
Turn A Gundam
Gundam Unicorn
MushishiGundam Unicorn
My Neighbor Totoro
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Nodame Cantabile
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Paranoia Agent
Ping Pong
Porco Rosse
Princess Mononoke
Princess Tutu
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Samurai Champloo
Soul Eater
Space Dandy
Spirited Away
Star Driver
Sword of the Stranger
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Terror in Resonance
The iDOLM@ster
Vision of Escaflowne
Whisper of the Heart
Wolf’s Rain