WTF is Batman doing in there?
WTF is Batman doing in there?
WTF is Batman doing in there?
Photobomb.WTF is Batman doing in there?
WTF is Batman doing in there?
WTF is Batman doing in there?
WTF is Batman doing in there?
edit :
I hope that isn't a spoiler. >_>
Came very close, but didn't meet my goal of 1,000 cosplay photos at AX, but here's some of the highlights (will add more later, need to get to work):
The rest are here:
Anime Expo 2012
I really like the Feel the Magic / Rub Rabbits pic. Such a cool cosplay. Reminds me of an old pic with the two characters in the first game doing some cool poses.
It's Candle Ja- *covers mouth* Whew, almost said Candle Jack there. ... Goddamnit.
awesome gallery =D
Who are these supposed to be?
So going to be making M.Version of this, aka Male PenDrum!
Was the Yatta phenomenon before your time?Who are these supposed to be?
nice costume of amon(real name isnoatok(spelling) brother of tarlok) from the legend of korra, one problem with the scar makeup, wrong side of the face. the scar is supposed to start over right eye and go down to the left side of the chin.
That guy looks like the actor who plays Crixus in Spartacus
My favorites by quality, awesome theme or just awesome pic
There is a chance of being official ... but ..
Sure, but its going to be my Winter Cosplay, so it should be done by the end of the year. Its 2nd in queue right now after a Bridget cosplay. It is also going to be what I'm entering at Acen next year, so I'm expecting it to take a 2-3 months of slow build up. Rather than my normal month or so.Don't forget to post pictures when you do it!
Sure, but its going to be my Winter Cosplay, so it should be done by the end of the year. Its 2nd in queue right now after a Bridget cosplay. It is also going to be what I'm entering at Acen next year, so I'm expecting it to take a 2-3 months of slow build up. Rather than my normal month or so.
Eva hand placement "on" Rei was nicely timed!
About that one, glad to see we think alike, but we're WRONG! I've gone out my way to ask the last few cosplayers dressed like that if they're from those games. They then look totally confused and have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.Haven't seen "authentic" FtM cosplayers in years.
Haha, is that Yajirobe of Dragonball?