Be honest do you ever ask her to keep the costumes on when you..ya know..
You have a very attractive wife.
GAF never disappoints. I agree on both counts.
Be honest do you ever ask her to keep the costumes on when you..ya know..
You have a very attractive wife.
Be honest do you ever ask her to keep the costumes on when you..ya know..
You have a very attractive wife.
Do you join her in cosplaying?
You guys are a fantastic couple.
You guys are a fantastic couple.
Lucis I bet you tried some FFXIII Versus cosplay with that hair
Show us the Noctis!
The Mary Sue said:We’re told we can’t keep up intellectually.
How are costumes in any way related to comics knowledge? Moreover, how are skimpy costumes related to comics knowledge? And what if these women who cosplay want to be seen in their costume and therefore want the attention? (GASP!). I have no explanation for this imagined fantasy that women who cosplay for attention cannot be actual nerds. But I have to acknowledge that the accusation of being “fake” stings like hydrosulphuric acid because of the underlying message that we’re not knowledgeable enough to read, enjoy and understand comics, especially if we’re wearing a costume that’s seen as provocative or revealing. “You’re too busy looking like a slut you can’t possibly have read all the issues of The Walking Dead.” I don’t get it. I simply can’t form a sensible relationship between skin and stupidity, because these two things operate on completely different, orthogonal planes. But nothing seems more damaging to a woman than the simultaneous attack on both her body and her brain.
This has too many views and too few posts ... so lets make a ... a ... discussion ! =O
This article about Fake Geek Girls looks like a good start !
Here is the part about cosplay :
Who is this supposed to be? Because Sue Storm's never dressed like that.
Who is this supposed to be? Because Sue Storm's never dressed like that.
This has too many views and too few posts ... so lets make a ... a ... discussion ! =O
This article about Fake Geek Girls looks like a good start !
Here is the part about cosplay :
Who is this supposed to be? Because Sue Storm's never dressed like that.
If a woman is so smart, why is she dressing up like an adolescent boy's fantasy? /snarkThis has too many views and too few posts ... so lets make a ... a ... discussion ! =O
This article about Fake Geek Girls looks like a good start !
Here is the part about cosplay :
I know I've personally been a fake geek boy on more than one occasion to get closer to a girl who had one weird bit of fandom or another.
It's real, but it's a minor thing when it comes to cosplayers because of the amount of work it takes.
Pretending to be interested in something for personal gain though? Old as dirt.
I think that the person misses the point entirely. When growing up alot of geeks/nerds were told that what they like made them outcasts. They most likely would never get any girls if they didn't put down the geeky stuff, play sports, work out, and generally be outside "living" life. I guess because doing the other stuff means you are wasting your life away.
So over time geeky things started to get more popular and in turn get more exposure, more acceptance and makes more money for some companies. Because all of this happens around the same time, it becomes harder for geeky males (who seemed to be the most open about it) to believe that girls (attractive ones at that) could also be really invested in some of these cultures. And it is not about intelligence levels, it is about the idea that most women seem to have "other" things to do. But let us not forget that there are a noticeable amount of females who dress up because they like the design more than the media they come from and the group that set this stereotype in motion....."Booth Babes". I personally find nothing wrong with these alternate examples, but I do credit them for making geeky girls have a rough go at being accepted as real fans instead of fake or paid fans.
If a woman is so smart, why is she dressing up like an adolescent boy's fantasy? /snark
You don't even have to fake being a nerd because people will call you fake ... you can just dress normaly and say to a nerd "I want to have sex with you" =P
Is that how it works.
If any of those GirlAge threads teached me anything is that you don't even need to say ... sometimes you can just look in the general direction of the person across the room
If a woman is so smart, why is she dressing up like an adolescent boy's fantasy? /snark
Who cares?
When growing up people had lots of problems watching animes and other obscure fandons because people lacked the internet and other things related to explosion of popularity.
When you see a fan of an anime that didn't aired in the USA (change for whatever country you are in), do you ask how that person got that anime or do you talk about said anime ?
Long time ago was LONG TIME AGO, people change, things change.
Why didn't the "girls are not allowed/don't want" changed ?
Why was it the ONLY ONE that didn't changed ?
So over time geeky things started to get more popular and in turn get more exposure, more acceptance and makes more money for some companies. Because all of this happens around the same time, it becomes harder for geeky males (who seemed to be the most open about it) to believe that girls (attractive ones at that) could also be really invested in some of these cultures. And it is not about intelligence levels, it is about the idea that most women seem to have "other" things to do. But let us not forget that there are a noticeable amount of females who dress up because they like the design more than the media they come from and the group that set this stereotype in motion....."Booth Babes". I personally find nothing wrong with these alternate examples, but I do credit them for making geeky girls have a rough go at being accepted as real fans instead of fake or paid fans.
We are evolving a lot, but personal gain from being a FEMALE nerd ?
If you are minimaly atractive you don't need to get all the troube to faking being a nerd to get a guy with glasses.
You don't even have to fake being a nerd because people will call you fake ... you can just dress normaly and say to a nerd "I want to have sex with you" =P
I am not sure if you really understood my post. What I was talking about was the changes that happened recently that has led to suspicions about girls being genuine fans.
You would be surprised. it is one thing for a female to gain fans because she is attractive but there are alot of pretty women out there. She may gain an even more dedicated following when she is not only attractive but turns out to like "Insert Franchise here" that may have its own fanbase. Now she may have an edge in terms of followers and attention because there will be a sense of liking something in common, which makes the person seem more down to earth.
Looks like Marie-Claude Bourbonnais. Don't know who she's dressed as. Don't care. Yum.Who is this supposed to be? Because Sue Storm's never dressed like that.
Only the good looking girls are posted here. There are loads of unattractive and average looking cosplay girls as well.
You chose the wrong words my friend.
Real talk, who dis?
I find her more attractive than the stick figures on this page
She's a pretty rad cosplayer and has been around a while, albeit hasn't done very many costumes:
i_heart_link deviantART
I personally liked her Setsuka (SC) from a while back:
She recently did a really great Fat Princess, lol.
Girls like this are difficult.......wanna holla at her but don't want her thinkin she hot shit and in my league.