Jessica Nirgi as Catwoman:
...Are those officers part of the cosplay too?
Jessica Nirgi as Catwoman:
Are there any pics of her without makeup?
Nice set ofJessica Nigri, Catwoman
Google says Elita One.
Well, thats a slap in the face to Elita One!
Are there any pics of her without makeup?
Never saw the top one until now, actually.
Why? Is she too big to cosplay an autobot that size?
See she's cute as hell even without the makeup. I know some people were like oh she's not so hot without makeup but I strongly disagree.
See she's cute as hell even without the makeup. I know some people were like oh she's not so hot without makeup but I strongly disagree.
I guarantee you she's wearing some makeup in that photo, just not super obvious makeup. Source: my wife
Alright, finally caught up with my goddamn photo backlog. If this string of conventions is my Knightfall, MegaCon was the Bane that broke me. First some highlights from Saturday and Sunday of MegaCon...
MegaCon 2013
tooo much cute!
It's kind of insane that someone cosplayed as Dante from Dante's Inferno.
Indeed. I don't think I've ever seen another one.
This girls is so cute. Anybody knows her name or something?
This was actually Tycho dressed up like this right? I listened to a bit of their streamed Q&A and thought I heard them say that.
Tycho on Friday, CliffyB on Sunday.
I went to WonderCon on Friday and took a handful of shots. This is my first time taking these type of shots so I apologize if they aren't the best. With the help of DTJAAAAM I rented a nicer lens though so hopefully that helped. After doing this for 4 hours I have a new found respect for him as I was exhausted. I'm still trying to figure out how to use Lightroom so I didn't retouch these either. I had a lot of fun and hopefully can learn to take better photos in the future. Enjoy the shots.
The rest are here: but I posted most of them.
I went to WonderCon on Friday and took a handful of shots. This is my first time taking these type of shots so I apologize if they aren't the best. With the help of DTJAAAAM I rented a nicer lens though so hopefully that helped. After doing this for 4 hours I have a new found respect for him as I was exhausted. I'm still trying to figure out how to use Lightroom so I didn't retouch these either. I had a lot of fun and hopefully can learn to take better photos in the future. Enjoy the shots.
The rest are here: but I posted most of them.
Absolutely incredible work here with Sam from VANQUISH. I can't believe how perfect the suit and gun look. Whoever did this has an attention and dedication to detail that I'm not sure I've ever seen before.
I wonder what it's made out of...[img][/QUOTE]
lol wow. STG Bro here is pretty great.
I think you did a great job looks good! Wish I could have gone out looks like fun.
Great work, man! Hope the suggestions proved to be useful. I see quite a few of the Cali con regulars in your set. Thanks for giving me the first look at what I missed at WonderCon.
Working on my Sakura-Con stuff right now, so BRB until then...
Haha, nice. Unrelated, but has anyone ever done Bandit King Jing?Jonathan Holmes ran into that Layton at PAX east and created a ballot about it.