This is amazing!
One of my wife's planned cosplay for AX... (assume we can get this even done)
Who can guess what thiis for XD
One of my wife's planned cosplay for AX... (assume we can get this even done)
Who can guess what thiis for XD
umm a parasol for an Aeries cosplay?
is that your house btw? the decorations are so.. queasy lol.
Valkyria Chronicles?
I'm intensely aroused
Is this a character off of a game? What game? Looks almost like 3d art.
My guess was Selvaria.
After some study we realized Selvaria's spear is A LOT easier to make, simply because of the straight instead of spiraling style of the body.
One of my wife's planned cosplay for AX... (assume we can get this even done)
Who can guess what thiis for XD]
Oh man if it's possible at Fanime next year I'd love to get photos with my Alicia costume. I'm thinking of remaking the armor again to be even more accurate. I know that's a very long ways off though.
I'm intensely aroused
Ya, VC3 Riela's Valkyria weapon... The thing will be about 180cm tall in total... It is so heavy I don't think my wife will be able to hold it for long... (not valkyrie IRL)
Did you make the valkyria weapon for Alicia? They definitly went overboard to design Riela's valkyria weapon...
Have you ever tried using foam (with a thin wooden core for swords)? That's what I use for my props and they're always super lightweight.Made this way too heavy apparently, wife have problem holding it to pose for even 30 seconds = =
Working on cosplay in the hotel at the convention...
Made this way too heavy apparently, wife have problem holding it to pose for even 30 seconds = =
It is made entirely out of the EVA foams, however the weight is mostly from the PVC pipe in middle that holds it up. I did some engineering with it it's now only about 3/5 of the weight! We are going to try to finish coloring it in the next 2 nights... our plan is to have it done so it will be shown on Sat. Today my wife as Mari:
Awesome, is this a valkyria chronicles cosplay in the making?
Have you tried a counterweight? The PVC pipe would create a pretty unbalanced load.
Easily one of the most eye-catching cosplayers from Anime Expo this past weekend.
Weapon stood 6'5"
This London Super Comic Con video has a little bit more post production than your usual convention cosplay video