lol, imagined if they filmed Godzilla 2014 with a suit like that ala the old ones
It took a good time to see that these are 2 diferent pics and I was like "...why these 2 cosplayers took this pic ..."
me too, I right clicked saved as the first one and then looked and thought *hmmmm. . . somethings missing. . . *strokes beard*.
2 pictures of my wife's cosplay during Fanime (prob not many people will know the character anyways lol)
A photo I captured of Jinx at StarFest 2014.
This pic is really cool. I don't even know who that character is, but it's a great photography.
Best Bayonetta.
Wow, Tharja from FE:A cosplay...that's awesome!
I thought it was somehow special because I see it posed often but upon searching for tharja cosplays it seems like every one is pretty good. There doesn't seem to be any shitty tharja cosplay (don't prove me wrong pls) but a lot of pretty competent ones.
This is the most beautiful thing ever.
I don't get it. Why is Alladin in that fish thingy?
I don't get it. Why is Alladin in that fish thingy?
Magic carpet -> Magikarp
Ok, that's clever.Magikarp(et)
My latest contribution from Denver Comic Con 2014.
Met Riddle as well...
Just finished with the pictures of last weekends Animecon, our biggest convention
My montage from Phoenix Comicon:
Also check out TwistedManga's channel, LD is a local contributor and she has an awesome style.
Still wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy behind on my editing, but need a break from Lightroom, so here are a few from some of the events I've recently attended:
Iron Giant! Yeah!
Pokemon Conquest cosplay !
That is something that I did not expect to see
Nyanta-san cosplay? WIN!
Mama Mia !