excuse me miss, what's your name?
Damn you. Too bad most of the cosplay photos I have aren't really game related. Regardless, here are some random photos.
That was one of the better costumes I remember.
We all knew Jessica Nigri would win the contest. She's one of the most popular cosplayers out there.
That Thor guy looks like the singer of Horse the Band.I was at Megacon, but not dressed up. There were so many ponies! There were also so many of those troll people with the orange horns. I had to go home and google to even find out who they were. It was kind of funny since other people at the con also didn't know when we asked them.
I also saw 3-4 Chell cosplayers, which made me happy.
*edit* I think I saw this guy, from the picture posted earlier:
That was one of the better costumes I remember.
My new favorite thing of all time.
Cosplay of the day!Need moar!!!
Props to her to taking on Sisters of Battle - I don't see much of them around.
This woman does a lot of cosplay. Does she have a site?
excuse me miss, what's your name?
My six-year-old daughter has more curves than that.
My six-year-old daughter has more curves than that.
Zing.My six-year-old daughter has more curves than that.
My six-year-old daughter has more curves than that.
My six-year-old daughter has more curves than that.
My six-year-old daughter has more curves than that.
I guess I could have said something less shocking like:
I mean, look how "she" is using her leg to hide it.
Family Man.gif[/IMG]
I guess I could have said something less shocking like:
Something less shocking like a meme that's banned?
I expected this when I clicked this thread
But all I see is smoking hot girls accidently dressed up like a videogame character. What gives?
Nei from Phantasy Star II?