so for someone with no experience making music the best thing is to just jump in with one of the free daws?
I'm way more creative from like 7-10 in the morning than I am after work. Wish I could work from like 12-8 so I could produce in the mornings
Oh also, free plugin from iZotope:
my sub;
my interface;
hey guys! I FINALLY got an audio interface and I'm kinda pulling my hair out over here trying to figure out how to get my rig properly connected to it.. if anyone could help me out I'd REALLY, REALLY appreciate it - I know next to nothing about cables/etc.
my monitors; (my monitor actually doesn't have the bass switch, so I'm running HPF adapters) - sub+monitors sound like dookie without 'em.
my sub;
my interface;
so I'd like to get the sub running into the monitors and the monitors running into the interface, which are 1/4 jacks. 'til then I guess I'm gonna use the headphone port?
again, if anyone can help me out with what cables are needed/how to go about hooking them up into the interface properly, please hit me up or post here. thank you!
You should get 1/4" Balanced TRS cables to connect your speakers to your Audio Interface. I don't have a subwoofer, so I can't help you there. Don't buy Monster cables, they're overpriced. Guitar Center should have cheap TRS cables but I'd call before heading out if you prefer to buy in person.
thank you! I'll grab some off Amazon, haha - didn't even know what to call them. thanks again! sucks that I'm gonna lose the sub, I might try using a RCA>1/4th cable to put in the phones jack.
This is freaking amazing!thing i did over the last two days:
supposed to be like the sound of putting your mind someplace else while something traumatic happens
I think Bitwig has a free trial with no limit but it doesn't let you save anything :\
nice! maybe I'll give bitwig another shotsomething you can do using the Bitwig trial (or Bitwig in general) is do whatever you wanna do, and before you exit bitwig, group your entire project into one big group, go to the "clips" area in the browser, and drag your group's big clip into the clips area in the browser, and you'll get this
save the devices in the clip and drag out next time you use bitwig and you should be able to continue your project
A track I just uploaded:
I get enough praise from my friends, so i'm looking for pointers on where I'm messing up in mixing, or song structure. Still, hope you guys and gals like it.
Since the song is so sparse, I'd have the delays and reverb more upfront and consistent throughout the track to fill it up a bit, and add some riser sound effects or something at the major transition points in the arrangement (0:41, 2:23, 3:48). The sleigh bell is too upfront for my taste. Nice stuff though.
Nice. I like this tune. The mix needs work though, it's a bit muddy.thing i made today:
very layered trap beat with those dang shortwave recordins i done did
New song:
I've been fiddling around with compression on this track for ages, I'm wondering if it sounds OK in that regard.
New song:
I've been fiddling around with compression on this track for ages, I'm wondering if it sounds OK in that regard.
New original song from me: (80s inspired electro/wave/pop)
Abletons Analog Synth is really really great.
Hey guys, I'm new to the producing side of music and I've come across a chance to get an Akai MPC 2000XL for free. An acquaintance will give it to me if I want to.
I'm thinking about trying it out and have some fun but apparently you can't connect it to pc via USB? Just through ZIP or CF drives? Is this correct?
How can I make some music if I don't have a ZIP/CF drive? Is it worthless in this case?
As for equipment for producing I have none. Just a Macbook Pro from 2014. What would I need to get something out of the MPC 2000XL?
Thanks to anyone who can reply!
Also, maybe consider not using it for software initially. It can be good to learn how to use a sampler/sequencer in general before diving into the gigantic ocean that is DAW work. Personally I wish I had started with something more limited to get basic music writing better before having millions of choices of things to do right off the bat. YMMV thoughDid USB even exist when the MPC came out?
I've owned one of these, it's how I got started. The 2000XL is a sampler and sequencer, so you'll need a ZIP or compact flash drive to save your work if you're working with samples. If you're only working with midi and not doing any sampling in it, the built-in floppy drive would be enough to just save midi sequences, but you'll need to stockpile a lot of them. I'm not sure if floppy disks are even still sold anywhere.
Alternatively, if you want to create music in software, you could buy a midi interface and use the MPC as a controller for a DAW like Logic or Ableton.
Thanks for the replies.
Seems it's an outdated product with a lot of annoyances behind it. As I said, I know nothing about producing music and just wanted to start sampling some stuff and have fun.
Ideally, I would just hook this up to the PC and use it with a DAW. Just drag and drop stuff on it.
Went back into Mixcraft today to try and make a song and I can't think of shit. Wish something would spring into my head.
If I send you a melody, would you be able to lay some drums under it and send it back?
Hey bromandudes, I'm looking for some feedback on a (wip) remix of MØ - Final Song I made today. Is this crap? Is it good? I don't know anymore lmao.I think it's cool but I'm an insular asshole who hasn't shared anything he's made in months. Who knows what it actually is, it might be fucking terrible if so I'm sorry. I'm still trying to chase that professional sound whatever the fuck that means but I don't think I'll ever get it because I can't even describe what it is. Click the link below and please let me know what you think, don't be afraid to be honest I hold no grudges.
Hey bromandudes, I'm looking for some feedback on a (wip) remix of MØ - Final Song I made today. Is this crap? Is it good? I don't know anymore lmao.I think it's cool but I'm an insular asshole who hasn't shared anything he's made in months. Who knows what it actually is, it might be fucking terrible if so I'm sorry. I'm still trying to chase that professional sound whatever the fuck that means but I don't think I'll ever get it because I can't even describe what it is. Click the link below and please let me know what you think, don't be afraid to be honest I hold no grudges.
I thought that too but was afraid to push it up in that range on tired ears because I figured it might just be tired ears and I didn't want to make it shrill.Sounds nice. It could be a little brighter in the 3-5k range, but that's about it.
I was trying to describe you. Did I nail it? j/k lol.Disclaimer: I don't really listen to future bass/future pop so I'm only comparing it to the few tracks I've heard from Haywyre and the tracks of the lesser known guys I follow. They have a nice "professional" sound and really punchy drums, transitions, etc.
Did you just describe me? Anyway...
I think the drums sound a bit too dry, or maybe it's the spacial mix.
The percussion bass that comes in around :50 sounds a bit dry and "small". Usually, these types of basses are louder and wider.
The clap around 1:36 sounds a bit too loud and the snare is a bit too quiet (and dry...).
I think the chorus synth is fine and the piano sounds nice.