My early impressions:
-The demos in Kirby and Wario's Woods are WTF. Have to keep watching them just to get three stars.
-All of the games have less challenges.

SMB1: 23 VS SMB3 which I think has 17? Either way, it should not be less for a game like SMB3.
-Wario's Woods is horrible. Fuck that chaining challenge.
-SMB: LL & SMB2 seemed to have really slippery controls for some reason. (Not just when playing as Luigi in LL, That was horrrible lol.) I kept falling off the vines in SMB2 and I never did that before...seems sorta rushed. Maybe its just me?
-The replay videos are very, very nice. Too bad you can't save others, or your fiends, but nonetheless it is quite aweaome.
-Got all stars in Doctor Mario, Punch-Out!!, and SMB:LL.
-Dat last Punch-Out!! challenge was insane. (I'm talking about the second part lol.)
-Hey, I finally it to see the ending of SMB:LL. Its fucked up.
-These games fustrate me to no end, but I love them. Will probably beat this before the end of the month. By beat, I mean get as far as I can. With Golf AGAIN and Wario's Woods, I know I will never 100%, but will joy the ride and hope for more remixes.